Friday, December 7, 2018


Hello all, Happy Friday to you all.
If your looking for some awesome ideas for this Christmas/Holiday Season, you need to come by The Cutting Cafe's blog. We are showcasing loads of Holiday Craft projects.

Some of you may already know that I have taken on a WHOLE NEW LOVE....EMBROIDERY.
I seriously have a love hate relationship with can be tedious at times...but overall I am loving it...

There is also a sister site to The Cutting Cafe over at Etsy where I sell loads of my Embroidery items... So with that being said I decided to make some special ornaments for all of my Exchange friends...I love this time of year that a few of us exchange ornaments....I hope they like.

I ended up using the TAGS from the 3D CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT SET set.

Be sure to take a look at all of the amazing projects here.