Thursday, May 24, 2007

HERE'S A LAYOUT FOR YA............

Okay all I need you to be gentle because Lord knows I don't do layouts that often, but I wanted to use something BIG from the new Expression machine and my oh my it is awesome with the bigger cuts........I just did this layout in the size of 8 1/2 by 11.........I feel more comfortable with this size layout instead of the 12 by 12...oooooooo the big size just scares me. These machines are expected at Hallmark sometime next week.........yipeeeeeeeeeeeee


  1. Beautiful layout Regina! Congrats on being published too!

  2. this is just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL Regina! I love everything on this LO!!!! TFS!

    Bety :)

  3. This is georgous! You have certainly NOT lost your touch on LO's!

    Silly Paper Trends - what took them so long to publish you???

  4. For someone who doesn't do layouts often you sure did nail this one!!! Great job!

  5. Wow, Love your layout!!! I came by your blog from the Cricut newsletter. I really enjoy your creations. You are very talented!!!
