Monday, December 31, 2007


I am so ready for everything to get back to normal......(if there is such a thing) so that I can REALLY play with my new Design Studio that I got from Hallmark Scrapbook. If you haven't got your software yet, you don't know what your missing out on.....Here are two cards with matching envelopes that I just made the other day.....With the Design Studio, no more will I have to buy store bought envelopes....I can make a envelope EXACTLY the size I want....YIPEEEEEEEEEE....The first card and envelope HAPPY MOO for the new challenge going over at the BBTB site...go check out the other girls designs.......FAB I tell ya...I used some adorable doodle bats from ooooooo I love this little cow...The second card and envelope I just made for fun.....I fell in love with the cute stamp by Karen stolper (American Art Stamps)............Well that is all for now..........HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL....

Friday, December 21, 2007


Today I went to a scrap store that is I guess about 1/2 hour from my home and one of the ladies at the register asked me if I had won some kind of contest on the cricut site because I looked familiar to her and I told her not that I know of besides I have been featured a few times on a newsletter through the Cricut site and she said, Yes that is were I have seen you before......She stated that she gets the newsletter and the few times that she had seen me and my name, she kept trying to put to and to together because she thought that there was a customer in their store that had a club card with them by the name of Regina Easter....She mentioned that for the longest she had planned on looking up my card to see if maybe the next time I would come in ask me if it was me....Boy talk about feeling special and all gooey inside....just thought I would share...I felt kind of famous FOR A to get back to reality........

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Okay everyone if you have an Expression machine or baby Cricut machine, you REALLY need to purchase the new Design Studio will REALLY make your life a whole lot easier when designing projects with your Provo Craft projects....A few things that I love about the machine:

being able to weld any and all shapes/letters

being able to design everything that I want to cut on my computer screen before I cut it...

Being able to stretch any/all shapes to fit however I want now....

Here are a few projects that I made last night, click on PROJECTS to get more information about these projects.....

Friday, December 14, 2007


Wow I couldn't believe it, but I got an email today from Paper Crafts that they want to publish the cute little Turkey basket that he and I did for his teacher for Thanksgiving...Boy my little Benjamin was so excited when I told him.....I am so proud of him.....and to think he is only 6 years old....Paper Crafts has a special kid issue coming out in June of next year.....

Monday, December 10, 2007


Okay I am lovin this little penguin from the ANIMAL KINGDOM Cricut Cartridge...He is so cute....well here is my project for the new challenge over at the bbtb site...oooooooo the girls did a fab job on their really need to stop by and take a is the link to the site:

I think I will let me son give this to one of his reading teachers.....I hope she likes it...just something to let her know we appreciate her...

Pattern Paper: Scenic Route (Brighton Ice Blocks) Card Stock: Bazzill Die Cuts: Sizzix (snowflake) Rhinestones: Heidi Swapp Chipboard Letter: Doodlebug Glitter: Martha Stewart Computer Printing for titles Other: sewing , craft ribbon Cello Bag: Stampin up

Friday, December 7, 2007


Here are 4 Santa Hats that I made for a Christmas Card Exchange...I used the Joys of the Season Cricut Cartridge to make all of these.....I hope they like them.....

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Okay as I mentioned a few post ago, this year I had decided to put my Christmas tree up really early as in a few days BEFORE Christmas....I had all these plans as to what I wanted to decorate with this year............well sadly said, I just can't seem to get my ideals to work out, so I am calling it quits and putting away everything that I didn't put up this year and was going to....YUCK...anyways here is what I finished with...kind of the same as last ooo,

I would love to see how everyone else decorated their trees/house this year....leave me a link here in the comment section....HAPPY HOLIDAYS...

Monday, December 3, 2007

I'E BEEN TAGGED..............

by two great people over at Ladybug320's and Kate (littleme)...okay I will try not to bore you, but I need to list 7 facts about me RIGHT NOW...

1: I call myself getting a head start on things by putting up my Christmas tree BEFORE Thanksgiving, but now I can't figure out how I want to decorate the whole it probably won't get done..

2: I have been trying my best not to go on BIG scrapbooking shopping sprees and it is DRIVING ME NUTS, but I am proud to say that I have not done it for at least 3 1/2 weeks...the 6th of December is the first day that I can go on a shopping trip........oooo thank the Lord that is real soon.

3: Have you noticed that EVERY project I do must contain RIBBON?...Yelp I am a ribbon lover.

4: My scrap office is in our 3rd car garage, while my hubbys office is inside the house on the first floor and with it being cold now, I often wish I could KICK him into the garage and take the office...

5: I am not a TV watcher really at all.....the only program that I watch is EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER........that is it.

6: I don't have a radio or tv in my office...need complete silence when working.

7: I would love to be the next MARTHA STEWART...yelp that's a fact.....(he he he)

Okay I really can't think of anyone to tag because I think I have tagged everyone if you want to give out some juicey stuff about yourself... please do...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

HO HO HO SANTA..................

Here is my take on the new challenge over at the BBTB site.....challenge was to use the Santa Face from the Doodlecharms cartridge...I loved this challenge...the Santa is so darn cute....stop on by and visit all the other designs........the designers did a fabulous job....

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Wow, I picked up the new issue of Paper Trends today and saw my birthday card that I had made for my son when he had turned 15....I brought it home to show him and he was so excited to see the card in there....He can hardly wait to get it back to cherish forever...I HOPE...anyways the card is on page 142........I also have about 3 projects in the new READY SET CREATE online ezine for Dec/Jan.....This is an awesome online ezine......Click here to view the magazine...