Friday, December 21, 2007


Today I went to a scrap store that is I guess about 1/2 hour from my home and one of the ladies at the register asked me if I had won some kind of contest on the cricut site because I looked familiar to her and I told her not that I know of besides I have been featured a few times on a newsletter through the Cricut site and she said, Yes that is were I have seen you before......She stated that she gets the newsletter and the few times that she had seen me and my name, she kept trying to put to and to together because she thought that there was a customer in their store that had a club card with them by the name of Regina Easter....She mentioned that for the longest she had planned on looking up my card to see if maybe the next time I would come in ask me if it was me....Boy talk about feeling special and all gooey inside....just thought I would share...I felt kind of famous FOR A to get back to reality........


  1. How cute was that!!! Did she ask for your autograph???

  2. I don't know why you're surprised cause you are a true SuperStar!! You better get used to it cause there's a lot more of that in store for you my friend! I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and give you a huge cyber hug!

  3. How sweet!!!

    Merry Christmas Regina!!! have a wonderful day!!!


  4. It is nice to be famous even for a minute !

  5. Hi there!

    This is Christen, the managing editor of Take Ten. I just wanted to encourage you to submit some of your work for possible publication in the Spring issue. Our deadline is February 1st. Let me know if you have any questions!

  6. Ah, Regina...this fame has been there, but somehow you've just escaped it until now. And think of this, if you stepped in scrapbook stores in ALL of the states and in MANY of the countries, they'd all recognize you if they have anything at all to do with the cards and scrapbook stuff. You ARE famous, everyone knows Regina made cards. They are fantastic, unique, and have your signature all over them. You can tell by the boards. They see "Regina" and the number of hits rise instantly. People head right for your creations and designs. Congrat's. And I see that Take Ten is now after you. Wow, that is awesome.

  7. Arr that brilliant ,bet you felt top of the world ,Dawnxxx
    hope you have a great 2008
