Monday, March 10, 2008

SO GOOD TO BE HOME....................

Well I had a wonderful time the last few days in New Port about a wonderful, beautiful city by the water....LOVE IT....I flew down on Thursday to spend a few days with my hubby and just got back last night......We went to Disneyland with a few other friends and acted like a bunch of BRATY GROWN KIDS....he he he....besides all the other functions we had to go to, we just had a great time.....All and all, it is good to be back a little earlier then him, I miss my 4 kids (sign).....Here is my take on the new challenge going on over at the bbtb....The challenge was to use the ORIGINAL cut from the Printing Press cartridge.....Love this cut...I used Cosmo Cricket for this card.....Also I finally got my issue of the Paper crafts magazine that I am in this month.....It is my first publication with them.....YIPEEEEEEEEEEE......both of these cards can be found at my etsy shop.......The original card is slightly different though.....

I am also very honored to have been given 3 YOU MAKE MY DAY awards from: Sharon, DeeDee and Kazan.....these three women are super duper really really must check out their blogs...I am suppose to award others myself, but it is just way to hard for me, considering I would have to give everyone an award, but please do make sure you check out these ladies awards....


  1. Regina,
    So glad you are back..I love these two cards...You are super...Krista

  2. Welcome back! Was happy to see your beautiful card in the latest copy of Paper Crafts!

  3. Regina, I know you've been tagged before but I tagged you again. Glad you are back and had a great time.

  4. Oh how HONORED I am and THANKFUL to know about and view your blog. I haven't seen you on CMK for a bit and didn't realize you had a blog. (insert eek!!!) Can I put you in my "hearts" too, on my blog? So happy to have a place to visit, and chat more frequently. LOVE your cards, man they are INCREDIBLE!

    hugs Regina,

  5. Glad you had fun on your trip. Cards look great as usual!

  6. fab cards, I love the bottom one

  7. Beautiful as always. The pink looks wonderful with that yummy Crate paper-I think I have some of that so I just have to 'Card Lift' this!!!!!!! JC.
