Monday, June 30, 2008

A FEW THINGS TO SHARE...............

Wow, I have been busy busy these last few days.....Lets see Hallmark Scrapbook has a new blog with an awesome sketch from Prima on it.........I decided to actually do a LAYOUT......and a circle card for this sketch.....(you can find the froggy card at my etsy shop)..On the LAYOUT, I used some really awesome scrapnfonts sets....I used the DB Journaling Boxes for the mat under the bug and on the Froggy card I used their awesome font called LD Little Fishie and their DB birthday cheer.......super fun sure to check out the site....also be sure to stop on by over at the new Hallmark Scrapbook blog...we hope to bring you many fun techniques in the near future.....and lastly is my take on the new challenge over at the bbtb......the challenge was to use the ACCENTS ESSENTIAL be sure to take a look at the other ladies take on the challenge...I decided to make a seed packet with a matching embellished flower pot....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

WITH A CHERRY ON TOP...............

Well I was surfing the net today visiting some of my favorite stamping blogs and I came across one that was using some watercolor paper along with the stampin up pens and how she stated that it works like a charm...........well being that I miss stamping so much, I had to give it a try and what do you know............I LOVE IT...the colors blend really well....I spent a fortune on those stampin up pens and know I can really start to use is just a fun little card I made along with a matching envelope that I made from the Pazzles machine.... This set will be available at my etsy store......

16 ALREADY...................

My goodness my oldest will be 16 this is just a little funky looking kind of birthday hat for his 16th birthday....I found this cute little hat on the internet and converted it to be able to cut out on my pazzles machine..........not a whole bunch of bells and whistles on this shaped card, but I think it is just right for a teenage boy........

I'VE BEEN TAGGED...............

The amazing DeeDee Campbell and Queen Davia tagged me the other day and I have finally got a minute to play along.....I tell ya when the kids get out of school for the summer, you would think that you would have extra time since you don't have to get up early, but no..............................anywho, lets see, here are the things I need to TRY and answer:

TEN YEARS AGO:.................hum, about the only thing that comes to mind 10 years ago was that my hubby and I were trying to decided if we wanted to have yet ANOTHER this current time I had already had 2 boys and just was blessed with a baby girl.......the girl was about 1 years old and of course I wanted to give her a sister....but we must not have thought about it real hard because that extra little blessing of another baby didn't come until 4 years later.............nope not a sister for her but ANOTHER BOY...........(smile)

5 THINGS LEFT ON TODAYS LIST................I say left because as I do this, it is already 4:40pm......

1. get my butt off this computer and start dinner

2. finish my son's 16th birthday card

3. start on my bbtb challenge

4. flat press my daughters hair

5. drill a hole in one of my new pots out back to plant an iris plant

SNACKS I ENJOY..........strawberries, shrimp, cookies and cream ice cream, plums, oranges....i am sure there is way more, but these are the items that come to mind.....not much of a sweet lover though...

THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WAS A MILLIONAIRE....boy that is a hard one, but first I would play off any bills fully that I may have at the time and then.....................HUM...........HUM....not sure because I would love to donate a lot of it, but then you got your extended family at the door to.......hum.............I would really have to think about that one...

PLACES I HAVE LIVED.....well i have traveled everywhere, but have only lived in CALIFORNIA...

I don't think I am going to tag anyone, because I just tagged a few people not to long ago, but if any of you want to play along.......please do and don't forget to check out Deedee's and Qween Davia's site....

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I got this yummy new well not so new anymore paper, but I just recently picked up some of that SUGARED BASIC GREY PAPER and oh my it is so yummy so I decided to make 4 shaped cards along with a box that I made from my Pazzles Machine....I used the following carts for the shaped cards: Strawberry (berry sweet)....Indie Art ( i think that is what it is called )
Apple (Apple of my eye)....sorry can't remember
Cake (inside reads Congratulations)...Wedding cart.
Cupcake (little cupcake)....I think it was Celebrations cart.

This set will be offered on my etsy shop sometime hopefully this weekend...

don't forget to check out the bbtb site for a new contest at:

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I decided to make a fun gift bag using some of my FABRIC DIE-CUTS.....I love these three colors blue, black and white....I made this gift bag using my Pazzles machine...This bag will be available on my etsy shop shortly....

Monday, June 9, 2008


FOR ICE-CREAM...........Such a fun is my take on the new challenge over at the bbtb........such fun awesome designs.....lots of ideals for summer party invites...The girls are just so talented...We have a new contest starting over at the bbtb be sure to check it out...if you have ever wanted to learn how to do torn bears, you don't want to miss out on this contest....well that's all for now...........I hope you all have a wonderful is going to be a hot week for us.................

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well I finally decided to make a card featuring silhouettes...and I love it....I have a few silhouettes on a cd that I got for my Pazzles Machine and now I can't wait to use some of them....This card I think would be awesome for a your lady or teenage girl...It is hip with stitching and also is a huge card...about 3 1/2 inches by 9 inches...YIKESSSSSSSSS...This card will be featured in my etsy shop later today...

On another note.....CARDS BOOK has made a BIG BOO BOO...I was in my lss the other day and happened to look in their new JUNE CARDS issue, (always like looking in the book to see all my oh so talented friends in their).....and I totally forgot I had a card in the book..which I was happy to see, but then I turned the page a few pages and load and behold there was ANOTHER card in there that stated I made it, BUT IT WASN'T it had the wrong title on it as well...I have a card in the book titled PARTY TIME.....well a few pages after that they put the same title PARTY TIME by REGINA EASTER on a totally different card............oh my goodness someone is going to be ANGRY...I am going to email them shortly.....I feel bad that the person that actually made the card didn't get the proper credit for it...YIKESSSSSSSS ...another thing, I was wondering some of you that get the CARDS book, have you noticed that on the last few issues that some of the pictures look a little grainy or kind of off color? I noticed that on my last card that was published with them last month that is looked kind of off color and the one in this JUNE issue looks really off...and it looks like it is just the beginning of the book they look great..........bummer.......

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Oh how I love summer.........and now that we got the pool all down in the back, I am loving it more....KEEPS, the kiddos busy (smile)....Here is my take on Kazan's Clark sketch over at 2 SKETCHES FOR U..........There was recently a death in the family and I was watching two of my husbands nieces while their Nana and grandpa went to a funeral. When these two girls saw that we had a pool, they could hardly wait to go swimming and boy did they swim...For two days, they swam from like 11:00am to 6:00pm, they had a ball.....The photo isn't the best, kind of dark, but this girl surely SWIMS LIKE A FISH....I used one of the new font sets called LD NEW ARRIVAL OUTLINE for the SUMMER FUN which I cut out using my pazzles machine...I also cut out the chipboard scallops around the picture on the pazzles. The little fish I found on the Internet and converted it to cut on the pazzles..........I TELL YA I LOVE THIS MACHINE....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well I have a few things to share today..the first being my take on the new card sketch site called 2 SKETCHES 4 YOU...This awesome site was created by the two talented girls Kazan Clark and Laura Davis....These two ladies have so much talent in their bones...believe me I know, they are on my BBTB team (smile)...Please do go check out their awesome new site and play along.....I had been wanting to use my new Fiskars round lace punch, so I decided to use it on Laura's sketch on my BUTTERFLY KISSES CARD. I made a matching envelope to go with the card. The black butterfly was actually cut out using my pazzle which came from a doodlebat from set will be offered in my etsy store.


My next project is my take on the new challenge going on over at the bbtb site...The challenge was to use the grasshopper cut from the STRETCH YOUR IMAGINATION CRICUT CART....This little grasshopper is so must go check out all of the other girl designs... This little package contains a special present for a Hallmark Scrapbook person....

And last but surely not least, if you haven't checked out the latest PAPER CRAFTS special magazine, you are in for a real treat.....this book is simply many great ideals in it...I LOVE IT...My son and I have one little item in the book ourselves on page 130....Turkey basket...Benjamin was so excited to see the actually project in the book...but I think he was more excited to get paid..........(smile)

Monday, June 2, 2008


I have always wanted to make a card using a SOCK.....I found this cute little sock on google and decided to make this little SOCK card...I cut out the sock with my pazzles machine....