Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'VE BEEN TAGGED...............

The amazing DeeDee Campbell and Queen Davia tagged me the other day and I have finally got a minute to play along.....I tell ya when the kids get out of school for the summer, you would think that you would have extra time since you don't have to get up early, but no..............................anywho, lets see, here are the things I need to TRY and answer:

TEN YEARS AGO:.................hum, about the only thing that comes to mind 10 years ago was that my hubby and I were trying to decided if we wanted to have yet ANOTHER this current time I had already had 2 boys and just was blessed with a baby girl.......the girl was about 1 years old and of course I wanted to give her a sister....but we must not have thought about it real hard because that extra little blessing of another baby didn't come until 4 years later.............nope not a sister for her but ANOTHER BOY...........(smile)

5 THINGS LEFT ON TODAYS LIST................I say left because as I do this, it is already 4:40pm......

1. get my butt off this computer and start dinner

2. finish my son's 16th birthday card

3. start on my bbtb challenge

4. flat press my daughters hair

5. drill a hole in one of my new pots out back to plant an iris plant

SNACKS I ENJOY..........strawberries, shrimp, cookies and cream ice cream, plums, oranges....i am sure there is way more, but these are the items that come to mind.....not much of a sweet lover though...

THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WAS A MILLIONAIRE....boy that is a hard one, but first I would play off any bills fully that I may have at the time and then.....................HUM...........HUM....not sure because I would love to donate a lot of it, but then you got your extended family at the door to.......hum.............I would really have to think about that one...

PLACES I HAVE LIVED.....well i have traveled everywhere, but have only lived in CALIFORNIA...

I don't think I am going to tag anyone, because I just tagged a few people not to long ago, but if any of you want to play along.......please do and don't forget to check out Deedee's and Qween Davia's site....


  1. Always fun to read about other people. I actually tagged you as well, but I guess someone beat me to it!!

  2. Thanks for playing along Regina...sorry it took me forever to get back to you....busy, busy, busy....I love learning new things about you and you know I love ya girlie.....HUGS!!
