Saturday, August 2, 2008


I was just wondering has anyone that was published with CARDS book for the months of June, July and August received their free copy and project back? I know that they were behind in sending all the items back to people, but I am wondering are they still behind...I had something published for the months of June-August plus a few more this year and haven't received anything....I hope all is okay...........


  1. Just a reader of your blog,love your stuff BTW, and I've had a few things in the June/July as well as August/September Paper Trends books and nothing rec'd yet either. Emailed them last week but have not heard back - I'll let you know if I hear.

  2. I am still waiting here, too. I had a card published in June/July Paper Trends...there was a message on Two Peas from Alisha saying that the boxes are going out third week in July! I have been following the thread and nothing yet. They were moving or something and that caused a delay. It is August now!

  3. HI Regina, I was wondering the same, I have a bag published in the June/July issue of Paper Trends and I have not received anything yet, I have no idea what is wrong, I hope we can receive our projects and magazines soon.

  4. I am still waiting for my project and mags from Paper Trends.....

  5. I received my boxes today Regina, with all the magazines and projects from the last few months, came via Fed Ex. Hope yours will come, maybe tomorrow since you're just over the hill from me ;)

    Your cards and projects are so incredibly creative and gorgeous, absolutely stunning my friend!!! that train, oh my!

    hugs & so much love!
