Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This season always reminds me of how blessed I truly am....besides from being blessed to the fullest from my family, I have been blessed to have been honored to have worked with some wonderful ladies over at the BBTB...many of you I have known for years now and I hope our friendship and sistahood will last forever......I wanted to dedicate my post to all of you this Thanksgiving because like I have said before without you, the BBTB would not be what it is today....SO........I wanted to share with my readers a few of my favorite projects from the is such a small portion of their STUNNING work....Please be sure to check out the BBTB blog to see all of their weekly work....

Dianne - I remember when you first did this card and you were kind of puzzled if it might offend someone.............well it turned out making everyone was such a HIT...this card totally rocked...

Melissa K. - this is the most adorable train I have ever did an amazing job...I am so happy to have you on the team.

Ivy - Lucky me, I was the lucky one to receive this adorable was so much more ADORABLE in rock.

Michele K. - wow this was such a cute this day I have always loved this cut, but could never decide how to use it.....thanks for the inspiration, your work is awesome.

Heather - you are one of my newest designers, I am so happy to have you on the team...this Christmas scene on this card is truly adorable..

Shelly B. - If this card doesn't get one ready for the Holiday season, I don't know what will....You are also one of the newest people on the bbtb team and it is an honor to have you on the team.

Tomi Ann - I love this colorful project, it really got me in the mood for the coming Christmas season.

Teri Berrios - well sis what can I took the pear cut to a whole new amazing level...I swear this looks like a magazine picture.


Susan - WOWZER, this hot pinkish/redish sled on the green is just STUNNING...I so love your work.

Sharon C. - LUCKY is right.....I simply adore this duck card....I am the one that is LUCKY to have you on the team.

Enfys- can you say STUNNING......wowzer girl this crown project you did was really out did yourself on this project.

Krista - my friend, this is one of the cutest projects ever
....I think any little girl would love to be styling in this adorable shoe...

Rene - my sista....okay talk about bling, this card has all that and more...all of the elements on this card rock.

Sonia - this is the most amazing POPCORN box ever......the colors and the style of this whole gift package is AMAZING.........

Rheba - this has got to be one of the cutest pull out cards....I love everything about this card.

Nikki - girl girl girl....this is one of the yummiest cake boxes ever.....yummy enough to eat.

Anne - you hit this on the nail when you did this stocking project in NON - TRADITIONAL colors...I love everything about this gift bag...colors are awesome.

Michelle W. - who wouldn't want to receive an ADORABLE card like this .....congratulating them on their new home.....the colors are me some lime green and brown.

Laura D. - WOWZER girl....this strawberry is BERRY BERRY adorable...I so love your style, I wish I was your neighbor like Kazan.

Kazan - speaking of is the work of Laura's neighbor....I bet you two make the street so much brighter...Kazan girl you know I LOVE how you can add black to ANY project and make it BEAUTIFUL...

Jennifer - my oh so savvy BLINKIE designer....girl this Pear card rocks rocks rocks..something about this simple background with the embellish top just makes this STUNNING.


DeeDee - we have know each other for some time now and your work just keeps getting better and better.......this dress is GORGEOUS..

Carole - you are in a class of your own....I can't hardly wait to see what you come up with each week...funny thing you always tell me each week that you kind of put this together, or I am not quite sure if I am happy with my design this week, but each week your work is AWESOME..

Penny - you girl have a style of your own....and I love it...this is one adorable house..


  1. Everything is gorgeous!!! All your designers are so talented!!! Lucky you!! :)

  2. This is just the sweetest dedication to all the designer sis ------ I just about fell off my chair.......thanks for the warning (wnk) As a designer, I feel so honored to be on this know you for so many years......and to have that bond with such an amazing person!!!!!!! I will forever treasure our sistahood!!! Ii love you and all my fellow TD sisters!!!!! Hugs to all,

  3. Awwwwww sweet of you to, so sweetly, post such caring comments about each of the designers. You are so talented and so kind and I count you as one of the true blessings in my life. Thank you so much for your kindness, inspiration and friendship.......huge hugs

  4. Oh my SWEET Regina!!!!! You are a doll and a true gift of friendship!!! You are so amazing to post a dedication to your DT members like this...WOW!!! I had to get a tissue ya know!! (wink) Oh my sweet friend....what am I gonna do with ya? I LOVE YA girlie!!!! HUGS!!!! SMILE!!!!!!

  5. Awwww thanks Regina you are sooo sweet! I wish you were my neighbor too:) I love being on this amazing team you all are so inspiring!

  6. regina you are a true sweetheart , it shines thru your beautiful smile and words.your post put a lump in my throat :) i cannot thank you enough for allowing me join in with you and these other fantastic talented ladies. i too feel blessed with my "regular" life and am so lucky that i have an extra bonus blessing of you special ladies. thank you all for including me in your circle of friendship :) happy thanksgiving! be safe :) hugs , shelly

  7. Such beautiful work -- I am inspired every week by all your beautiful projects. Thank you all so much for sharing your time and talents, and most of all thanks to Regina for giving us this opportunity!

  8. Oh Regina, words fail me. Each week when you post our work, you always thank us and say we are awesome. I am so blessed to have been selected to be among the designers for BBTB and I just clap with glee each time you give us "orders". I so love being on the team, I so love and admire each and every girl. This dedication is simply the most wonderful thing that you have done for us. Thank you....(PS, I take back that "words fail me" comment, because as you can see.......... You are amazing.

  9. Regina,
    I am so honored to be a part of this amazing team! You are such a sweet, talented lady, and I strive to be as half as good as you are! This was such a sweet thing to do! Thank you!!! And I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!

  10. Regina,
    My sweet and lovely FRIEND!!!!!...I can't ever thank you enough for all of your kindness and dedication you have shown each of us...I have always felt very blessed to have you in my life....You are such an amazing and sincere person!!!! You are one of a kind.....Your Friend, Krista
    Ps..BBTB Rocks....Happy Thanksgiving girls....

  11. Regina, I am so honored and blessed to have you in my life. And to think all of this started with a little bug I purchased. Never in my wildest dreams, did I see the friendships I would develop, the bonds that would form, the lessons I would learn, and the love that would grow in my heart for people that I've never laid eyes on (well....most of you anyway...*wink*) Regina, you are truly amazing. Love you girlie, and wish I could just run over the hill and give you a huge hug right now. A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and to all of the design team members. Love you guys and I'm so thrilled and honored to be a part of this family. Hugs!

  12. Wow Regina, you are the most wonderful person ever. You are thoughtful, kind, and always find the right words. As you, I am also honored and thankful to be a part of such a great team. During this season, it matters even more to be surrounded by such lovely ladies. Thank you all and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  13. Aahhh Regina! You are so kind and so thoughtful. I have looked and looked at this post, like a little girl with the Amer. Girl catalog!!! You really are THE BEST! I love being a member of your team... and I LOVE how the team inspires me. Each week I cannot wait to see what everyone has created. But displayed like this... well, this is like you - JUST AMAZING! I am thankful for YOU!!! Hugs ~ Susan

  14. Regina, I am thankful for you and your wonderful designers who have inspired me from the very first week I opened my Cricut box. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Hugs, Donna

  15. Happy Thanksgiving To all of you. I'm very Thankful that I found your blogs and enjoy looking at your lovely work. You have some amazing ladies working with you.

  16. What a nice tribute, Regina! I look forward to reading BBTB each week! A big thanks to you and all the designers for inspiring us! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all!

  17. Regina,
    U and the ladies on the BBTB are awsome. Those cards over the top! Thanks so much for sharing, have you ladies thought about u-tube? I would love to learn how to do this?

  18. Stunning, beautiful projects!! You are all such amazing talent and so very inspiring! Keep going, i love it ;-D

    Carol x

  19. Regina since I first joined the Cricut message board, you were day before me.
    No one knew how to use the machine and you were right there with ideas and how to's. You were the Queen then, and you still are.You are just the best.

    Thanks for your sweet comments and I love being a part of your team.
    Big Hugs

  20. What lovely words you said about everybody. Your DT is awesome. But you are too Regina.

  21. That was so sweet Regina and I loved seeing all those amazing cards and projects! WOW!

  22. Aw, Regina, that's totally sweet of you to thank the BBTB team! Awesome projects . . . always!!

  23. A Wowwwww you make great things,greetings from Holland,Joke.
