Saturday, January 24, 2009

GUESS WHAT I ............................

Made today in about 5 minutes..........this totally cute necklace.........okay so like the other day I went to Michael's and they have redone their whole store...when you walk in, it almost looks like a scrapbooking store and then over to the right is this HUGE bead section...well normally I wouldn't even go over to the bead section because the Michael's that is closer to my house has the same thing, but on a MUCH smaller scale...well my 7 year old son was telling me that there was some BIG DIAMONDS over in the bead department that he wanted to buy.....(kids I tell ya....and he thinks the diamonds are real)........anyways so I decided to go into the bead department and oh my I fell in love with all the I made this cute little wooden necklace with a leather rope.............ALL FOR 3.00.............that's what I'm talking about (smile)

Just wanted to share...........a little bit of what I did today...well gotta run, my 16 year old soon to be 17 year old is on his FIRST DATE....................YIKESSSSSSSSSS...LORD HELP ME............Oh yeah that is not all, this was his first week with his driving instructor.............DOUBLE YIKESSSSSSSSSSSSS...I bet he feels like his life is just awesome right now, but it is a PANIC, WORRY time for mommy...........


  1. Look at my beautiful sis!!! wooo hooooo Love the necklace - and for $3 you go girl!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs to all sis!!

  2. It's beautiful. I thought you were going to say you widdled the wood because with your talent I'd totally believe it! lol You are one creative Mama! I was there today too... don't you just love this amazing new M's we have?! I swear I'm in there everyday.... TFS

  3. well first things first....You look GORGEOUS girlie!!! And I love that necklace!! What an awesome find for 3 bucks!!! Holy smackers!! Well...hope all went well tonight! You're really entering into the "no sleep" area of mommyhood! :) Hugs!

  4. This is absolutely are quite creative, and all for just $3.00....YOU ROCK!

  5. gurllll--you are such a beautiful sistah---and the necklace is awesome!---all you need to is keep the line of communication ooen with your son and have those mother to son talks on a regular basis--and most important know that God is in control os this--He's got your back gurlll
    !!!---oh yeah i left something for you on my blog--here it is: ENJOY LIFE!!

  6. Regina,
    You are so pretty....That necklace is the cutest..Before I really dove hard into scrapbooking this time I was way into beads...Made lots of necklaces, braclets,etc...Very fun Hobby...Sold lots of them too...LOL...Your comment about your little Ben cracks me up!!!!!!!..Kids are the cutest...My Isabelle asked me the other day with a totally straight face..."Mommy do birds read? She is 6..Heee....Cute, Cute.....Love ya, Krista

  7. WOW, now you're a jewlery designer too!!! Your picture is lovely by the way...beautiful as ever!!! HUGS!!

  8. Oh, Regina! That necklace is beautiful!

  9. I love that necklace. New obsession??? LOL!!

  10. It's beautiful. I have the urge to go into that department too, but I am afraid my out of control craft addiction will have us in a homeless shelter if I don't stop buying things I love and envision a beautiful finished product, but become overwhelmed so mostly just hoard beautiful supplies. I found your blog with your OOAK creations and was thunderstruck with respect and admiration for your eye for design, color, patterns, embellishments and can't get on the computer without stopping by your blog, your etsy store and/or the Cricut site. You inspire me. Maybe you've already been asked, but how do you organize your supplies and/or scrap area? How do you get ready to begin creating something? I am a beginner who really needs to begin. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents!

  11. I love that necklace, it rocks.
