Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Granted all of these items don't go together, but I have some great stuff to share about each of them...First off, awhile back I designed a file over at The Cutting Cafe called ALL ABOUT CUPCAKES and I must say that it is still my all time favorite printable stamp set, with enough images to make one wanta go make some CUPCAKES........(smile)....well the FABULOUS and I do mean FABULOUS site The Cuttlebug Challenge design team cooked up some DELICIOUS projects using the ALL ABOUT CUPCAKES set.....Maggies site is full of inspiration...I am sponsoring their site this week with a few free files from the Cafe really need to hop on over and take a look, you won't be disappointed.....You can view all the information here.

Secondly, one of the great things about being on the Pazzle team is that I get to design CD Submissions for up coming CD's for the public........some get accepted and some don't..(but its all good)....Here is an old style bike that I designed...Kind of cute Uh............hopefully this will get accepted and will be in an upcoming CD release soon..........
Lastly but surely not least, Diana over at sponsoring one lucky person with a SCOR-PAL........this is a must have for working with all kinds of craft projects where one needs to have PERFECT folds and it will make some really fun boxes........As some of you may know, my Pazzles machine is makes me SICK just telling anyone about it...I love that darn machine, well anyHOO, since she is sick, I have been using the Scor-pal in helping fold all my fold lines on projects and oh my gosh it is AMAZING, to say the in about a few minutes, hop on over to this post over at THE CUTTING CAFE and leave a comment to be entered into a drawing to win one of these awesome babies..................Well that is it for now.....HUGS


  1. Oh this little bike is oh so precious! Love this Regina!

    I too love the scor-pal! It's the best for folding those little projects!


  2. Oh ps...I just tagged you :) Check out my blog for the details :)

  3. LOVE that adorable little bicycle, and I'll hop on over to try my luck at winning the scor-pal. Thanks again for the All About Cupcakes set, the DT's cards were just amazing at CB Challenge....we've had so much fun with them!

  4. I sure hope that bike gets accepted! IT is ADORABLE!!!!

  5. this is so dang cute! love your bunny below too. made me smile real big.

  6. AWESOME, Regina!! I love that bike!!

  7. My goodness, this bike is so adorable. I love it! It has to be accepted, it is just to cute not to!

  8. Oh Regina, how ADORABLE! I can't imagine your not being accepted. And your card is out of this world! xxD

  9. Dear Regina well just a comment from the UK. I love your stuff and I've ordered a pazzle so you must be doing something right on that team of yours. It's due next Monday. Love across the miles BettyXXX
