Monday, April 27, 2009


Yes, I am excited to announce that the BBTB is now BLOG HOPPING....or shall I say we are now having our first BUG BLOG HOPPING...and I am starting it here is my take on the new challenge this week...the challenge was to use the BORDER feature with any cut on the DOODLECHARMS cartridge....I must say that I love this challenge this week...the girls did an awesome awesome can view all of their takes here..................I decided to use the present in a border and then make it into a present shaped border card....

Okay before I send you on to the next BUG BLOP HOP STOP.....I have some blog candy for ya...all you have to do is leave me a comment answering one simple question: How do you organize your ribbon? I own more ribbon then my local ribbon store and am in need of ideas.......PLUS have ya heard.........there is a new ribbon shop that has just opened called The Ribbon I am sure I will be adding even more ribbon to my stash......check it out...Okay so leave me a comment telling me what you do, if you do anything and I will use random org. to choose one winner to be able to choose any 2 cutting cafe sets for need to bug blog hop on over to Mrs. DeeDee Campbells blog..........she gots some candy for ya and make sure you have some time to spend over at her blog....cause that girl has got some talent......have fun BUG HOPPING.....
if you get stuck in the blog hop, you can visit the bbtb site and at the very bottom is a list of everyone that is in on the hop....and everyone has some goodies they are giving you want to make sure you visit everyone....I WILL ANNOUNCE MY WINNER SOME TIME THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK.


  1. Love this Regina !! what a wonderful creation !! your creations always wow me !!! i have left you a little award on my blog !!

  2. Woohoo we're hoppin' now! Love your card girlie! Too adorable! HUGS!

  3. girl---that is just darling...I soo lvoe the creatitivity that flows through your fingers...awesom card...

    the way I store my ribbon is in those little clear containers that you use for ribbon/beads and wrap them onto those little cards..but my bigger spools I use the bigger clear containers and jsut keep them on the spools. It's probably not very effective, but it does work for me...I can't wait to see what everyone has instore for us on the hop..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Forgot to share how I store my ribbon....I have one of those over the door shoe racks that I store my ribbon in pretty your always amaze me...Suzanne

  6. What beautiful work, Regina! I've been following your creations for a long time. Love it!

  7. Hi Regina,I keep my ribbons in an old vanity bag,soft enough to put cuts into it and thread the ribbon through.Love your work it always makes me smile,so bright and lots of wow !!

  8. Well I love ribbon and definately think I now collect it as I have lots but probably not as much as you!! I always want more too!! I store mine in glass jars that are colour works for me at the moment!!

  9. great card! love the ribbon shoppe and their monthly ribbon kits! i don't have very much ribbon so I can fit them all in 2 MS ribbon holders. Maybe if i join the ribbon shoppe i'll have to explore other options!

  10. Love your work Regina!
    I organize my ribbon on acrylic rectangles. Used 2x3 hambley overlays, put 2 slits in them, and threaded ribbon through. Punch a hole on the top, put it up on my peg board. These little cards can hold HUGE amounts of ribbon and I have them all organized by color! ...and it looks so pretty all hung up there!

  11. Lovely!!

    I store my ribbon in jars, baskets, ribbon organizer.......I have a lot of ribbon!

  12. How fun to have a hop!!!
    I store my ribbon in the drawers of an old chest of drawers. Most of my ribbon is still on the spools but the smaller pieces are on the little floss cards. All of the ribbon is sorted by color. I do have a bunch of ribbon and this works great for me.

  13. Use ribbon to create the background of a layout! I have done this before and it looks so cute and uses up lots of ribbon! LOL!

  14. I store my ribbon in a basket on my scrapbook table. I wrap it around pieces of foamcore board and secure with straight pins. The foamcore boards go into the basket. I love this way b/c I can see every color/pattern I have without digging, and it's portable and cute! :) (You can see a pic if you go to my blog and search for ribbon storage.)

  15. This blog hopping is addicting, thanks for the fun!!!! I can't wait to do it again next month. Your doing an awesome jog with BBTB, I love reading and seeing everyone's creations.

  16. Love your blog...check it every week. These designers are awesome and I love to take inspiration from them!! Keep up the great worK. I store my ribbons in zippy bags (jewelry type from HL) and put them by type of ribbon in the plastic MM jars. They look so pretty on my embellishment shelf! Thanks for the opportunity for the blog candy!

  17. Love your take on the challenge Regina! Those presents are so darn cute!

  18. I store my ribbon in jars and clear containers... but the jars and containers are overwhelming the shelf they are on and it is impossible to see them all and difficult to reach the back ones. I may try the shoe bag idea!!

  19. love your card. I just recieved this cart and I can't wait to play with it. I store my ribbons on a rod by color. I don't have only about 25, but I am quickly adding to them.


  20. Regina...needless to say your work is incredible!! The ribbon storage? Well i keep my ribbon glass jars, and some in ribbon organizers i bought at Michaels.

  21. oh how fun a bug hop. I organize my ribbon not very well i have to say it all goes in a huge pickle jar on my table that is clear and then i just dig thru it when i want some ribbon. Not very creative but it works for me.

  22. Love your card. I'm bookmarking it for future use :-)

    As for my ribbon storage, I wrap my ribbon around doll pins, sort them by color and store them in jars. You can see a not so great pic here:

  23. Here's another one - You're a pro at designing lovely cards and crafts.

    PJ (Jessie Adams)

  24. How fun a blog hop with candy! Well, I wish I had a solution for how to store ribbon, cuz I need help too. Right now my ribbon is in a shoe box with a dowel rod running through the middle of the spools and everything that won't fit on the dowel is just stuffed in the box too. So I'll be checking back for some better ideas! thanks for the chance to win some candy,
    Kristina my email is
    my blog:

  25. Regina this is darling - gonna have to scraplift with full credit of course ;) Hugs K

  26. Love this card Regina. What fun too having a bug blog hop. I only have my ribbons in those little pails that you see through. Not perfect but works for the moment.
    Thanks for chance for the candy.


  27. Hi Regina!

    Thanks for all you do... I love your work; you inspire me! I'm certain that I don't have as much ribbon as you but I do have lots. I store mine (the stuff that is still on a spool) on a long wooden dowel. My miscellaneous pieces are in a basket... which I have to dig through. Thanks for making this your question... I can obviously use some help too!


  28. Oh, Regina, this is going to be so much fun! I love your creation for this week and am hoping to join in.

    I store my ribbon in little plastic bags that I have accumulated over time. I have a big tupperware container that I put the bags in. Each bag is devoted to a color, pattern, etc.

  29. Regina, I love you doodlecharm creation... And to answer you question I keep my ribbon in a photo box..

    Amanda Bodine

  30. Beautiful works as always Regina.
    My ribbons are stored in little plastic drawers all coloured coded but to be honest I need a better system too
    Anne x

  31. Darling card Regina!! I organize my ribbon in a spinning ribbon holder that I bought from scrapbookqueen44 on the cricut mb.

  32. Regina - I love your blog!

    Organizing ribbon can be a challenge! Since I think ribbon is pretty, I have sorted mine by color. I store it in big acrylic jars that I buy at Walmart and display them on the top of the storage unit that I keep behind my desk. This way it is organized, accessible, inspiring and downright pretty!

  33. I have my ribbon spools on a rack made by my FIL and in a bucket hangin from hooks on the rack and loose ribbons are wound on cards made with my Bug.

  34. Love the blog hop! I have a little container that you pull your ribbon through. Now I got to keep on hoppin'!

  35. I store my ribbon in plastic bags like sheets come in, and I sort them by color. Zip Lock bags would work too.

    Your card is amazing as always.

  36. Hi Regina,
    During a workshop i made a ribbon storagekabinet . This holds just some of my ribbon. I'm a ribboncollector. The rest I store in big glass jars from Ikea. I just love looking at them! Well, I'm hoppin'along again!! See ya, Sandra :-)

  37. Great Blog Regina
    I staple mine to card spools and sort them onto large book rings by colour, then I hang the book rings onto a belt hanger I smaffled from my husband - just don't tell him!

  38. Love the card Regina!! I store my ribbon a couple different ways: I have a very large glass jar and I wind the ribbon on to wooden clothespins and just toss them in. This works pretty well for me except for when I have extremely long lengths of ribbon. For those, I have found using a hanger and looping the ribbon on and hanging it on a hook in my scraproom works great. It is easy to access and because it is not out of sight, it is not out of mind. Plus it adds some color to my room.

  39. First of all, great creation with the doodlecharms challenge!! Ribbon....well, I got my wonderful, DH to build me a shelf. It's built with sort of a cradle in the middle to it holds the round ribbon spools. He actually built me 4 of these and they total about 9 feet in length. It's great, but I too am about to run out of room!! Thanks for the candy!

  40. Lovely!!! I have all my ribbons still on the spool on their side in a deep drawer and a small pan in the drawer for my misc. ribbons.... I am waiting to get my scraproom done, then I will probably be trying dowel rods or something!

  41. What a wonderful idea for a card! You are just too creative, Regina!

  42. Beautiful creation as always Regina
    Lana x

  43. Awesome card! I cut chipboard 3.5" x 7" and wrap ribbon around the 3.5" width. I then pin the end and stand them on end in a photo box. That way I can see the color/pattern at a glance. I have 3 photo boxes and they are arranged by color.

  44. Great blog! I store my ribbons on dowels, then hang the dowels through holes cut into boxes. I arrange them by colors i.e. all blues, all yellows, and pattern i.e. dots, sayings, etc. I'm going to switch over to plastic shoe boxes from the cardboard so I can see the colors through the boxes - and yeah, I have a lot of boxes. But, I have tons of paper, too, and I wouldn't think of carrying all of that at one time! I pick out colors I want to work with, card stock and patterned, pick out a box coordinating ribbons, and I'm ready to go! I use small plastic drawers for fibers and pieces. Works for me! Have a blessed day!

  45. Very yummy, very Regina, very beautiful. Just hoppin around boss!
    En xx

  46. Regina,
    I think your BBTB way the first blog I started with when I first purchased my cricut, you are always an inspiration.The way I store my ribbon is I have one of those ribbon holders JoAnn's was selling a while back and in colored coded baggies in a drawer for all the loose small amounts I have. Keep up the wonderful creations.
    Angie Person

  47. I have several ways to store my ribbons. I have a medium size turntable that has 4 wood rods on it so i can store my spools on the four rods. I found a piece of wood the same size as the turntable and drilled 4 holes for the rods and just glued them in. I have scissors on a ribbon tied to one rod. I can just turn it and see all the ribbons. I also took some different size spools and strung them on a wider ribbon and just tied a big bow on the bottom. They hang from the bottom of a shelf. You can just cut off the ribbon without moving it, and it looks really cute. I have small thin ribbon on the embroidery floss cards inside the plastic box. I have the real tiny spools in a crystal glass bowl on a shelf. I have random ribbon in one of the plastic drawers that we all seem to have. Most are wrapped around cardboard that I cut to all be the same size, so you could see the ribbon easily. Last is a glass compost dish that I put all the real tiny leftovers in. That's about it.

  48. How awesome is this Blog Hopping? I love the designs everyone has been doing. :)

    Now for the ribbon storage. I still use clear jars with pencils & one of the Craft Mates ribbon storage boxes.
    In the clear jars I have pencils & I wrap my ribbon around the pencils & ad a bit of tape to the end to hold it on the pencil. Saves space & has worked ok for me so far.

    Thanks again,

  49. In my craft room...I have a "pole" that stores my least used ribbon's sort of a pain...then, I have a couple of little stackable boxes that I store thre rest have a very high "stack"...I do have to say though, in my business (I own a chocolate novelty business, we sometimes bow up to several thousand units a day...) we have NEVER EVER perfected our ribbon storage!!! It's a MESS....

    Love your work! It's beautiful!


  50.'re so creative. I love your challenges and this blog hop is awesome. So much fun. Right now I store all my ribbon in a drawer, but that's not working for me. After reading some of these comments, I now have ideas for a better way. Thanks for all you do.

  51. Regina, this is so very pretty!

  52. What a cute, cute project!
    As for ribbon organization, I won't be much help... all of mine is shoved into a couple of 2 gal. sized baggies.

  53. Love today's project! As for the ribbon organization - I have an organizer made by my dearly beloved to hold spools and a couple of plastic shoeboxes full as well. All the better to see the ribbon I have on hand.

  54. Regina - So cool you are doing the blog hop! You are so fun and creative!

  55. Thanks for all you do to feed our bug addiction Regina! For ribbon storage I use 2 systems, I use the MM white embellishment center for my spooled ribbons and hang them on the dowels. For my bits and pieces of ribbon, I put them in mason jars sorted by color and put them in the cubbies of the same center.

  56. Oh, I forgot to tell you how I organize ribbon. I bought a couple of those ribbon organizers at Michael's - one I put holiday ribbon in and the other I organize it by color. But, alas, I have too much so I have a drawer full!

  57. Great cards.
    This country girl uses a little old shoe box, put a cut in the top and pull ribbon ends out. Pull and cut as needed.
    Of course make the box pretty.

  58. Loved your ideas for this week's challenge. :)

  59. Beautiful as always, Regina!

    I don't have any help for you with the ribbon because mine is all over the place, but I would love to have some of those things that look like towel bars to slide the spools on.

  60. I just keep it in a bin right now but need a better way. I'm thinking about stringing some kind of wire across my window and put the ribbon spools on that!


  61. I love all the card projects. Just adorable!

    I store ribbons a couple of ways. I have some in glass containers and some on spools. I found this site for more ideas.

  62. Like this creation of yours. I use a round curtain rod to hold my rolls of ribbon. Of course, I'm fairly new to paper crafting and don't have near the inventory as you.

  63. Great card regina, love how you used these cute gift border (i know you said cake, but i am seeing gifts) to make a card! and of course I'm loving all the details you added to embellish it - looks so PRETTY!

  64. LOL I forgot to tell you how i store my ribbon. I store them in a photo box after wrapping them again in cropper hopper ribbon folders if the original holder is too big :)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Lovely card, needless to say, Regina!

    Love your blog hop too. I have had a fab time admiring all creations. I started from DeeDee's though and ended at your blog :-)

    I roll up my ribbons and keep them in a tin cookie jar...

    Thank you for the chance.


  67. WOW WOW lovely card.
    Great idea the blog hopping am getting a little tired now lol

    Shelley xx

  68. Love your cute card.
    Did you say organise? ribbon? I'm afraid mine is all pushed in a bag together until I get my scrapping area sorted but i'll be reading with interest for some good ideas!

  69. Ribbon, I also have tons of it. Most left over from when I used to make dolls. "Organized" in no particular order in clear plastic shoe boxes. I enjoy your blog. JoAnn

  70. Great project! I use a ribbon purse for my ribbon....that way I can take it all with me when I go to crops.

  71. This is so beautiful Regina! And blog hops are so much fun to do. I am a ribbon-a-holic, but am not very organized about it. I have plastic boxes, and they are sorted by color only. When I need something, I just go digging into the appropriate box and usually find something I need. And if I don't, well, its time for more shopping therapy! Thanks for the chance.

  72. Your card is so pretty. I especially like shimmery flowers with the pearl centers.

  73. Hi! I am bug hopping :)
    so for my ribbon storage here is what I do. I use these because they are stackable, and I can always buy more, they aare pretty affordable. If I have ribbon scrps I keep out a cute jar that is labeled ribbon and toss the scraps in there, I leave the jar out because it looks cute and crafty.

  74. I forgot to add: I store my ribbon in big clear jars that I purchased from Hobby Lobby.

  75. Hi Regina,
    I love seeing your beautiful work as always! I have a five drawer unit and just keep my ribbon on the spools in one of those drawers. My loose ribbon (odds and ends) I keep in a gallon size zip lock bag. I'm hopping on to the next blog!!! Patti at

  76. Neat idea. I never thought of blowing up a border and turning it into a card.

  77. This is fun! I organize my ribbon in a ribbon organizer. I keep them pretty much separated by seasonal colors, etc. because i have so many ribbons I would never be able to put all in one place!

  78. Love your site!
    Great card!
    Ribbon storage - i keep my ribbon in a drawer next to my desk. its deep enough to have my spools standing up and then i have them in color order. scraps are in a plastic container left over from those small cinnamon rolls you get from Sam's Club or Cosco - yum! i also have the random spool or two tossed on top!
    thanks for the opportunity to win!

  79. Thanks for sharing your blog I have just become a follower!! My ribbon is organised in cute little bags so I have similar solours/seasons/widths together!! Plus another bigger bag with lots of bags of bits!!

  80. This hop is awesome Regina....Hope to play next week with you guys..Have a safe, beautiful week my sweet friend...Love your project...Krista

  81. Love this Regina! Sweet soft colors and darling shape! My ribbon is a disaster with the exception of the really thin spools that I have in plastic ribbon containers that don't hold nearly as much as they say they well. LOL Otherwise mine are in drawers, and drawers, and DRAWERS!!!! xxD

  82. I use dowel rods in pots 2 or 3 to a pot standing upright for my ribbon and for the ribbon I'm using for a particular project or that I use alot i have small 2 foot on my desk in a smaller vase filled with marbles for weight.

  83. I have 2 ribbon storage methods. 1 is a plastic storage bin full of gallon size baggies and ribbon sorted by colors. The other is over the door storage rack with shelves.

  84. I am just getting started with my paper work and so ribbon is in an old show box right now!!

  85. Beautiful card, and a beautiful blog :)

    As I am probably the most unorganised crafter on the planet, you will not be surprised to hear that I store all , well most, of my ribbons in a 2 foot tall glass vase! Fantastic for seeing at a glance what you have, but interesting when what you want is at the bottom and you have to go did for it!

  86. I love your creation with the present border. I am hoppin' all over and lovin' all the cards and goodies. I have a couple of ways to store my ribbon. I have a peg board with long hooks and I have sorted ribbons by color. I also have some of the plastic containers for ribbon where you pull it through the slot. And then because I am such a ribbon hound, I have some stashed in a drawer.

  87. Love this week's challenge...never paid attention to the border feature on doodlechams. Love your card.
    I store my ribbons right now in shoes boxes by color. It works for now!

  88. Love you card- I need some ribbon ideas, too, LOL!I some in a drawer, some in a box, some in a photo box...You get the picture!

  89. wonderful card. I just bought the Ribbon ring tags to organize my ribbon. I think this will be my answer ot organized ribbon! good luck on your quest!

    qlt7scrap at cox dot net

  90. Love your card...I'm excited to go through all these blogs and see everyone's creations...

    As for ribbon, I had my hubby hang a dowel at the bottom of a shelf that is about 4 feet long. On that dowel, I have a lot of my ribbon spools. I also have a "case" that hangs on the wall that spools of ribbon are in also. Don't know which I like better so I still use both! (Actually I have to use both cuz I have that much ribbon!) LOL.


  91. I just started paper crafting and didn't own any ribbon until yesterday, so I am clueless! :O)

  92. Such a cute card! My rolls of ribbon are in small plastic crates that I picked up at the Dollar General store. They are organized by colors, and I have a separate one for my scraps of ribbon.

  93. I love doodlecharms. I haven't done much with the border feature but after seeing this on Bitten by the Bug, now I want to try.

    Can I ask you a question? I have seen cards cut out in the shape of the die cut and I wondered how you did that? Yours is soooo cute.

    You can send your reply to THANK YOU!!!

  94. Hi Regina! I LOVE this Blog Hopping idea! I've never heard of it! LOVE IT!! I don't have too much ribbon so I can organize it in a wire basket with the tails of the ribbon sticking out the side. My mom has TONS of ribbon and made dowel stands to put the spools on. That way she can see what she has, what she might need to replace and still access each spool. They sell them but it's A LOT cheaper to make your own. She left her's plain but you could even decorate it. Good luck!

  95. Great design. I sort my ribbon by holidays and store them in clear shoe boxes.

  96. I'm new and don't have much ribbon yet, so I store it in one the drawers on the plastic bins. I know that some store it on dowels for paper towels, though.

    Debra Jackson

  97. wyam pretty new at this stuff so I kinda make my own at this point so I line my ribbon rolls up in a shoe box and cut slits to run apiece of ribbon out so I can pull it to use.

  98. organize their ribbon? LOL! I shove all of mine in a drawer! LOL!

  99. Beautiful...again! You have such great can always tell a Regina Easter card from all others!!! Love your stuff!

    I, unfortunately, have your same ribbon problem. Mine is all stuffed into boxes and containers. It's horrible. But thankfully I can look at other comments and find out what I can do!

  100. Hi, Regina! Love your take on the Doodlecharms challenge.

    We store our ribbon in a narrow (8 1/4" w by 15" deep), five drawer Sterilite. It is sorted by color family and because the container drawers are clear you can see what you're grabbing! We keep our mini-spools in a clear smaller container that sits on top the the five drawer "cabinet".

  101. Oh how cute! I use two ways, a dowel through the two brackets holding a shelf, and the ribbon ring. Both work pretty well for me! Gina (sorry I have to post anonymously, my log in won't seem to work!)

  102. What a great card :o)

    I have ribbons in glass cannisters, separated by colour... and some hung up.. just for prettiness and laziness if truth be known!

    Off to hop >>>>

    Happy Crafting

    Gina x

  103. Right now I am using the Cropper Hopper storage drawers and cards to store my ribbons. Love the system, need more, but they seem to be discontinued. Linda S. in NE

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. sorry.. i didn't see the part about commenting on how to store my ribbon.. so I deleted my old comment. I have big binder rings and I cut small squares from embroidery plastic ( plastic canvas??) and then snip a slit in the plastic and thread ends of ribbon through it. I can hang the binder ring on hooks and all my ribbon is hanging there for me to see!

  106. Wow! Awesome blog candy! I'll keep my fingers crossed! Thanks so much,

  107. i myself have not been able to purchase any yet, but i can;t wait till i can.they have such lovely ribbon. Love your work.Thanks Marie

  108. Hi Regina,
    I keep my ribbon all lined up in a huge plastic "see thru" tote!
    Love your blog and all the candy!

  109. SUPER CUTE. Love it as always.

  110. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to take part in the bug blog hop...I know it was so much fun!

  111. great blog..

    i store my ribbon in the 12x12 plastic serilite containers wrapped around plastic canvas.. you can fit a LOT in those little drawers and sort it by color :)
