Thursday, May 21, 2009

BBTB BLOP HOP WINNER IS...........................


congrats Flo on winning the SWEET STUFF printable stamp set from The Cutting Cafe....Please email me your email address so that I can get the set sent to you......

I would like to thank everyone that left a comment for the recent bbtb blog hop, it was so much fun and I appreciate all the kind comments you all on the lookout for another BIG blog hop from the bbtb on May 31st.............


  1. WOW WOW and double WOW. Thanks soooo much. this is amazing. I have been really busy at work and in mmy healing business at home and haven't checked my email for 2 days then the first one up is this! You have made my day. Regina I recognise you are an exceptionally talented lady as well you are extremely generous. Thanks you so much.

  2. Congratulations Flo!! YAY for blog candy!! :)

  3. Congratulations Flo! It's almost as exciting when someone so excited and enthusiastic wins as it would be to win yourself, don't you think? I'll pop over to Flo's blog and check out how much fun she has with in a bit. So generous, Regina.
