Friday, May 8, 2009

IT'S GREAT TO BE 8......................

Sorry I have been missing in action lately.....I just got back from Hawaii a few days ago and boy I have so much to do ALREADY...ready for the next little vacation (smile)...

Just thought I would pop in and share the card I just made for my little one's 8th birthday...we just got back from the store where he was allowed to have a little shopping he bought; skateboard, bike, lego's...etc...........believe me he had fun.....I will try and post some pictures of him on his bike a bit later....but here is the card...I used some really fun BO BUNNY PAPERS and see that cute little TIGER, well it comes from a new cd called AT THE is a PAZZLES cd...boy I love this cd... is one of many pictures of me and hubby on our trip...I will post more later...
Well that is it for now.....BUT.....just in case I don't get a chance to post anything before this Sunday, I would like to wish all my readers out there that are mom's


  1. Regina,
    Oh my goodness my sweet friend....You look beautiful.....Just beautiful....Love it...Your new card is cutie patootie....Might have to get that for my pazzles...That software...Geez...I am going to dust that think off...(pazzles) Hugs, Krista

  2. OH what a beautiful couple you are!! Happy Birthday to your little man and thanks for the mother's day wishes...Happy Mother's Day to you too!! Wishing you a wonderful day! (somehow I got roped into cooking for 12 people on my special day...ick! oh well!)

  3. This card is beautiful and is perrrrrfect for my sweet BEN!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!!

    Oh sis - look at you and my BIL wooooo hooooo....such an amazing couple!!!! God bless you always sis!!!

    Have a fabulous Mother's Day!!!!

    Hugs, T

  4. What a gorgeous couple you two are!!! LOVE the pic, Regina!! Thanks for sharing!

    Ben's card is just so precious! I love it! I guess that cd is something else to add to my want list. LOL! Welcome home my friend! Glad you had a good time. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! Hugs!!

  5. Regina, this card is SO adorable!!! Love the colors, love the ribbon, love the tiger, love everything!!!

    That is such a beautiful picture of you and your hubby. I'm glad you had a fun vacation!

    Happy Mother's Day to you my Dear!!!! ♥♥ Kay

  6. Wow! You look radiant! Such a great picture of you two! One to cherish for a long time. The bestest Mother's day to you too! And Ben's card is fabo! TOO Stinkin' CUTE!!! Many Blessings!

  7. Happy Mothers Day to you too Regina. Isn't it good to get away...even from the stamps just once in a while. Great photo of you and hubby.
    Happy Birthday to your 8 yr. old. They grow sooo fast.

  8. How cute is that card Regina! Love that little tiger. Sounds like Ben had a great birthday. Beautiful pic of you and your hubby. Looks like paradise! xxD

  9. Oh my word! Look at you two! You are the perfect couple! GORGEOUS pic girlie! Oh, LOL...I love the card too...its just too Ca-ute! HUGS!

  10. Regina, you and your husband are too CUTE! What a wonderful photo! Gorgeous couple! Oh my, your little one is . . . eight? Wow! Amazing card! I would love to see a pic of him on his bike!! Happy Mother's Day!!
