Friday, June 5, 2009


Wow I think I have found a NEW LOVE....this cute little PRESENT comes from another new CRICUT CART. to be released soon called SIMPLY SWEET.......THE BIRTHDAY word also comes from the cartridge......With a few male birthdays coming up, I decided to make a Male card....i used some yummy new BoBunny paper on this card...That circle happy birthday is from the can view that set here...The SIMPLY SWEET cart is actually a font cartridge with a few cute sentiments and shapes on it....The font is adorable as well....This card also goes along with a new challenge going on over at STAMPTACULAR SUNDAY CHALLENGE....the challenge is to make a card/project for a if you have the time this week, hop on over and join the fun....

Next I wanted to share with you a card that I received from Sam using some of the BLOG PRINTABLE stamps from the cutting cafe...isn't this the cutest card really is fun when someone tells you that you have a award waiting for you on their blog, BUT IT IS EQUALLY as fun to receive one in the thank you very much can view this cafe set here.

AND...........last but not least...Jeri sent me this awesome award the other day...(thanks Jeri)...I am suppose to list 10 honest things about me and then pass the award on...well I will list a few honest things about me, but I am not going to pass on...all of you that want to be HONEST for a change...please play along (he he he)....make sure you check out Jeri BLOG, she has some awesome stuff on her blog and please do check out her CRAFT ROOM...lucky it...
hum let's see:

1. sometimes when I am so busy with crafting assignments, i want to just throw in the towel and give it all up...but who can stay away from a hobby they love...NOT ME...

2. My kids are currently out of school and ..............THEY ARE DRIVING me crazy...gotta love all 4 of them.

3. I have this gap between my teeth and for some reason, it is driving me crazy....gotta get that fix...yes at my old age.

4. okay so like I so wish my hubby would grow another GOLD T...i think that is what it is called..he looks oh so fine..I mean he is fine already but geezzzzzzzz...i keep telling him that his fun life would get funnier...(smile)


5. I really wish there wasn't this thing were if you eat a lot of food, YOU GET BIGGER..cause I would eat, cake mix, fried chicken, cookies and cream ice cream and so much more ANYTIME I WANTED.

Hum currently that is about all I really am going to be honest about...which was a lot for me....HUGS.............anyone else wanta play along...?


  1. Love what I'm seeing with the new carts! And I really appreciate your honesty.....we all feel that way once in awhile....haha.

  2. you are such an enabler girl. These projects are just darling. I love how you used your printables with them...have a great weekend girl....hugs

  3. Regina I am loving what you are doing with the new release but it really is not good for my pockets or should I say my Hubby's pockets! lol
    Lana x

  4. Hi Regina, congrats on your award :O) these are gorgeous cards, I love the details and originality.

  5. I absolutely love your birthday card! (and your blog card, as well!!) That new cartridge looks like it will get a lot of use!
    Thanks for joining us this week at SSC!

  6. Fabulous male card Regina, I love how you have arranged the birthday letters. Thanks for joining us at SSC (and for being our sponsor this week).

    Liza x

  7. Hi Regina,

    What fabulous cards! I just love them! So unique and so darn CUTE! Thanks for the inspiration and for playing along with us this week at Stamptacular Sunday Challenge!

    I also appreciate you encouraging your visitors to check out our challenge and play along with us this week too!


  8. I love this present on your male card. This turned out so cute!

  9. Your masculine card is ADORABLE! Love the papers and colors. Super FUN:0 Thanks for playing at SSC

  10. WOW! Your card is amazing! Thanks for joining us over at SSC. I peaked around your blog and your work is fabulous; you are incredibly creative! I love everything!!! Hugs, Carly

  11. The card is super Regina, loving what you are doing with the new carts. Your 'honesty' made me smile :)
    En x

  12. Gorgeous card! And I love how you took this cart (with all it's little girlness) and turned the cuts into something appropriate for a grown man! That is what makes you so unique - the ability to take the different cuts and spin them another way that most of us can't see!

    Amazing job, as always!
    Hugs, Joy
    P.S. Loved your honest answers...I so relate to the whole eating thing....oh, and the home for summer thing!

  13. Awesome card Regina!!!!! I agree with Nancy....You enabler!!!

  14. I love your masculine birthday card, just perfect...the circular sentiment is the crowning touch! Thanks for joining us this week at the Stamptacular Sunday Challenge!

  15. I just received my sets I bought from your site and have to say that even though I have not used them I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!! It was so super easy (and that's the best part) NO DOWNLOADING or any problems or aggravation!!!!!! You deserve the award!!!!!!!!

  16. Fabulous card Regina, love the color scheme, and you used, the sewing on the card, the used of corrugated card for the pressie, and the white dots you've done really highlight certain parts of the whole card.

    Thanks for joining us this week at SSC. Hope you'll join us again.
    Donna xx
