Sunday, July 5, 2009


Wowzer that is a long TITLE for this post.....okay much to share today....

First off, I would like to thank everyone that left me a comment on the SCRAPBOOK NEWS AND REVIEW BLOG HOP....the winner of 4 sets from the Cutting Cafe is:

Blogger scrapaholicaef said...

Those are AMAZING you have inspired me. Hugs SNR Alesia

ALESIA, please email me at so that I can tell ya how to claim your prize..

Next up, I was lucky enough to have gotten my hands on another new Provo Cartridge that will be coming out soon called A CHILD'S YEARS....this shape cartridge is a MUST HAVE.....I fell in love with the BICYCLE on the cartridge.....decided to do a girl card and a boy fun fun....will be sharing more SNEAK PEEKS later this week from this cartridge....

See that little HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAG, well it is from a new set of stamps over at The Cutting is an awesome set with 40 different fonts of happy birthday..check it out here.
I also used another Cutting Cafe stamp on this card...the circle word is from the All Occasion Circle word set here.
Last but surly not least is my take on the new challenge going on over at the BBTB, the challenge was to use the HOUSE cut from the WILD CARD fun fun....Granted there probably aren't any houses in the world with these colors, but I couldn't resist using some of the KC COMPANY paper.....hugs


  1. OMGoodness Regina...such fabbie them ALL...hey, I absolutely ♥♥ the doorknob on your house...such a sweet detail! Have a super week!

  2. GORGEOUS, REGINA!!! The bicycles on your cards are so cute and the house card is amazing!! I love everything you make!! ♥♥ Kay

  3. In love with your sweet house, Regina...and yes, here in FL there are houses that color! Just perfect!

  4. I really truly can't believe I won something. yippeeee I really needed a boost. I am disabled and raising three grands all under six and one with special needs so was feeling a bit blue this weekend. LOL Regina you are such a creative bomb shell! Huggers Alesia

  5. Wow! I LOVE this little tricycle! Oh, and that house is adorable too!!!

  6. These are fabulous Regina!

    blessings, Maria

  7. I like your house card. Its very pretty. Alyssa (Mom's Little Shadow)

  8. congrats to the winner! BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL cards! I love the bicycle and I sure could have used the house to make my sisters card for her new house.

  9. What a cute little trike!! You did a great job with both cards and I love the new house cafe line.

  10. OH WOW SIS!!! These are beautiful!!! This is the cart I was telling you about. Do you like it??? I am so glad that they are sending you all these carts because you promote them so well (wink) Your work is one of a kind!!!

    Hugs, T

  11. You are such an artist girl! I have been waiting very impatiently for this cartridge and your cards only prove how awesome it is! GREAT job!!!
