Friday, July 24, 2009

A FEW SUNDAYS AGO.............................

I wasn't sure if I was going to attend church or not..I must admit that when I know my pastor isn't going to be there I sometimes am not as excited to go....Lord forgive me for that......but I ended up going anyways and am so glad that I did......the message was others there may not have taken the message the same way I did, but hey we all seem to hear different things and take different things that is said to us long as we all come out feeling blessed one way or another or receive something from the message that leaves us with wanting to do something awesome, grand, amazing for others, I say that is awesome....anyhoo as I said, the message was awesome...the Assistant Pastor spoke about how we should all try to give a little more of ourselves daily, forgive others...not mainly for them, but forgiving for yourself so that you can move on...He talked about giving your energy, time, a listening ear.....having faith...and on and on and on....So I thought to myself.......I try to give 100 percent to my family daily, although I could probably give a bit more to my children and I will surely work on that more, but I wanted to give in an area that I feel the Lord has blessed me in...and that is that is how I came up with one of the latest sets over at The Cutting Cafe called I HAVE FAITH IN YOU.......It is just a small set of printable stamps (12 sentiments) that all have to do with giving, being there for others......I decided that since God put this on my heart to do, that I wanted to give it for FREE for a specific amount of if you click on this link, you will see the entire set that I am giving for free until the end of August....I hope you will enjoy the set and perhaps use it to make something special for someone............Here are a few cards that I made using the set....I reduced the size of the FRAME SHAPED CARD because I wanted these to be small cards....something that I could just leave on a desk or maybe sneak into one of my family or friends kitchen and have them walk upon it...when I know they may not be having a good day.........I picked up some of that yummy new Basic Grey June Bug paper and cut out the animals on one sheet....then I used my swiss dots embossing folders.....

I also have found a new love and passion for creating even more cards....I had at one point started to get a bit burnt out in making a bunch of cards and then just having them stack up in my crafting space....A few I have submitted to one particular company that I often get published with and the others I hadn't done anything with them for one reason or another......well now I have this burning desire to send out little cards to my family and blog friends....for no particular reason at all... instead of just holding on to them or waiting to see if a particular magazine is going to have a call for a particular card....I mean don't get me wrong it is awesome to see your work in a magazine or book and I am so honored to have been published several times, BUT that isn't my main focus anymore... I would perfer to put a smile on someone's face.....JUST BECAUSE...I have decided that I am going to first send out all of my cards that I have made up to this point, i might check to see if there is a call for any of them RIGHT NOW and if I don't here back in a timely fashion I will be sending out immediately..............I have met so many awesome, wonderful people in blogland that I would love to just send a sweet little thinking of you card to and I am going to do just that....SO........if I happen to ask ya for your address, be on the look out for a card in the mail one day......hugs and blessings...


  1. These cards are just adorable Regina and the sentiments are beautiful. The Lord sure did bless you by giving you the gift of being able to create beautiful things.
    What a lovely idea to send out your cards the recipients would be delighted
    Lana x

  2. Regina, I love your stamps. They inspire me to do more cards although I don't feel I am the most talented card maker. I love the time you put in the stamps and the heart you put in your blog. God bless you and keep on you making terrific cards and stamps.

  3. These are adorable Regina. I sure hope you have my address (smile)
    En x

  4. Regina, these are beautiful, inspiration is a grand thing and can come in so many ways, the most important thing is that we listen and mama you are listening, lol. Hugs

  5. Oh Regina these are so sweet! What a perfect way to spread the inspiration and love in your heart! Hugs, D

  6. Regina! These are adorable! You creating this free set is so fantastic! I love what you created!! You are one talented and generous lady!! Take care!

  7. your cards are as lovely as always!
    I too have not wanted to go to something be it church, ladie's nite out, etc, but am always blessed when I do.
    Thank you for this free gift. I too have been encouraged to send more "just because" cards.

  8. Regina,
    Thank you so much for sharing your cards. I can't believe how quickly you emailed them.. These are going to get lots of use.

    Wishing you abundant blessings,


  9. I totally agree with you about the joy I get from sending out my cards! I just started card making about a month ago after seeing so many amazing cards on blogs like yours. I have been sending out one or two every day-- just to let people know I was thinking of them. Their response to this unexpected treat has been very uplifting! Thanks for the stamp set too, I can't wait to use it!

  10. Awwwwwwwwww Regina............just when I think you can't possibly get any do! You have such a kind and loving ya girlie!

  11. SO r-o-c-k!!!! How sweet are you for offering up "I have faith in you"...

    I wanted to thank YOU...your enthusiasm is contagious...I love your Cutting Cafe products and sista, you turn out the most fabbie the sweet ones for today!

    Have a super weekend!

  12. How sweet of you to share these sentiments and designs with others.

    Your cards are amazing and I love your new stamps.

    Blessings, Lori m

  13. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts as well as your work! you really have so many gifts to share with the world and I thank you for doing that! every time I read what you have wrote and see what you have made it makes me smile. Even though we have never met I feel like I know you in a way thank you for that!You never fail to inspire me! your friend from cyberspace

  14. Your cards are incredible, Regina, and of course I love this new set. You've really inspired me with your story. Long before I got into scrappin' and stamping, I used to send store-bought cards all the time "just because" and somehow that stopped. I definitely need to get back into it!

  15. Regina
    Thank you so much for sharing your message and you are so right to forgive uplifts the forgiver as well as the forgiven.
    Sending cards just because makes the recipient feel loved, I know I've had a few when times have been not so goos and it makes you feel special.
    thank you so much for sharing your gift of these lovely files with us

  16. Those are really cute card and i love reading about them.

  17. Regina, you are such a wonderful person. You have a most fantastic family, you have a wonderful God Given gift of design and ideas, and inspiration. And you are the most sharing person everrr. Thank heavens you are in our lives ....

  18. Regina,
    You are such a kind person that gives and gives and expects nothing in return....Your faith in the Lord shines through as you bless each and everyone of us with your generosity. I have always felt very honored to have you as my friend...You are very blessed to have such a wonderful family and a gift to create beautiful things for us all to see...Krista

  19. Wow Regina you are so kind and thoughtful to offer this set for free...thank you, your words were so encouraging to me and made me smile ...I love your blog and look at it everyday for inspiration...everything you create is amazing and I wish and hope that one day I am able to create gorgeous, beautiful creations like you. Thank you Regine from the bottom of my heart :) Bonnie x

  20. I'm so glad you were moved to go to church that day, what an important message to share. It's very easy to ask for forgiveness but it's much harder to forgive. Something we all should find time to work on.

    Hugs to you, and thank you for blessing us all in sharing your amazing work! Gods gifts are amazing in many ways. :)

  21. Regina, you do such lovely creating and I hope to someday just be somewhat creative. Bless you for thinking of everyone and for your sharing heart!

  22. what an adorably awesome set of cards regina. your a very loving giving person it truly shines through. thanks so much for this freebie set ( this one i'll take ;) ) your posting ( the pics words) is really inspirational. i with enfys hope im on that mailing list too (*grins*) hugs! shelly

  23. What great cards Regina! And a great message! Those animals are too funny.

  24. Great cards! I followed the link and tried to email you for the set you're offering, but the email won't go for some reason - it keeps giving me an error message. =( Is there another way to get the set - it's wonderful!
