Monday, July 26, 2010


FOR ICE CREAM.....Hello everyone..I have always loved this cute little Ice Cream saying...

If your doing the monthly hop from the BBTB2, you should have arrived to me from the fabulous Theresa Kelly..and I am the last person on the hop...if ya just happen to stop by to see what I have been up to, please be sure to check out all the wonderful girls who are participating in the BBTB2 monthly can find the list of all of the girls participating at the end of my post...okay on to my project...One of the sweetest girls I know Krista Norman is our hostess this week over at the BBTB2..and she asked us ladies to use the ICE CREAM CONE from the STRETCH YOUR IMAGINATION cartridge..It has been months since I have participated in a weekly challenge..I teamed up my card with a few new releases from THE CUTTING CAFE...I used the new I SCREAM YOU SCREAM, WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM background stamp as well as the JOT IT DOWN (love this set) and ASSORTED SCALLOPS SET 1....the pattern paper is by Basic Grey and the rubons are from October afternoon...See those brown rhinestones on the ice cream...well I used my new IROCK for that...LOVE IT..and what I love more is that I only purchased the clear set and I used my dark brown copics to color them brown...YIPEEEEEEEEEE...Oh so fun....
Okay so with every hop there is a prize to be leave me a comment by Friday the 30th and I will choose one winner....the winner will be able to choose ANY 3 sets from THE CUTTING CAFE of their choice.....okay here is the list of the blog hop ladies...

Regina ....THIS IS ME (SMILE)


Friday, July 23, 2010


Hello I want to first mention that I have uploaded another QCC (QUICK CAFE CREATION) on my youtube channel..and it was a super quick is the project:
and the video is at the bottom of this post...see the video for all the details...but I did use these two sets from the Cafe site on the CUPCAKE CARD...
hey cupcake frames
huge cupcake templateUp next is another quick project I made using the new LINE PAPER NOTE PAD SET...this was a really super fun project to make...that I will be keeping for myself..I used some fun old CRATE paper.....I decided to make a band to go around the project that can slip on and off as needed....I did my line paper in red...(the set comes with 5 different colors)..I made some kraft envelopes to match..2 small ones and 2 big ones nicely on the left hand side of the note pad keep the papers altogether on the right hand side...I first printed 10 pages...(they come 2 on a page)...then I cut out the 20 pages and stacked them on top of one another adding glue just at the top...after they were glued together..I just wrapped some matching card stock on the top and then added in the folder...EASY PEASY...and for $2.50 for the whole set, they would make awesome Christmas gifts.....on the cover, I did add a tag from the JOT IT DOWN SET...if you haven't see that set, you need to check it out...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Two of my favorite I wanted to share the last two QCC (quick cafe creations) projects with ya....both of these projects are super quick to fuss.....just simple, but way fun to make and give....lately I have been into making a lot of simple, but fun stuff...all this RAK stuff is so contagious...I LOVE IT....see VIDEOS after each card....

EPISODE 2....uses the .99 file FROM MY GARDEN...

EPISODE 3...uses a variety files....see the description in the video...

have a fabulous night...hugs

Friday, July 2, 2010

LIFE SAVER BOX PROJECTS.......................

Hello everyone...gesssssssssssss seems like forever since I last posted a project...well I have two for ya....I am starting a new thing on youtube called QUICK CAFE will be projects that will be quick and fun to make using products from The Cutting Cafe...I will be using background music for these types of videos...I am still going to make other videos using my voice, but the QUICK CAFE CREATIONS will be just with background music...I will be doing one a week...haven't really decided if it will be on a certain day or is the first QCC..SEE VIDEO BELOW...I used the LIFE SAVER BOX set for this project.....this Life Saver box can be used for so many different party you can see in this quick project (and yes it was quick)...
I only used the top lid of the Life Saver box....wrapped the life savers with some background papers from the cutting cafe, (stars background) (stripes background) (tiny solid dots)........
then added a tag from the 4th OF JULY SET 1...kind of looks like little FIRE CRACKERS...of course I can't take full credit for this project though...I first saw it about a year ago over at Cindy G's blog..I miss that girl..she is so darn talented..but is doing fine...spoke with her not to long ago...Up next is the full version of the LIFE SAVER BOX...see I told ya it could be used for lots of stuff...