Tuesday, November 30, 2010

CAMERA SHAPED PHOTO HOLDER.......................

Do you ever take a bunch of photos and just end up sending family and friends some of the photos just in a plain envelope...or worst yet through the computer and they have to print them out themselves..well the Cutting Cafe just released a CAMERA SHAPED PHOTO HOLDER and Camera shaped card that you can put those photos in......This first holder I made is for the girl that I am doing a baby shower for this weekend...I thought after I take all the photos at the baby shower, I will then send them to her in the mail in this holder..the little tag on the holder is from the BABY MINI WORDS....
And yes I have been using that pink and white ribbon like crazy...I can't get enough of is by stampin up..width is 1 1/ it....I only have the pink and red and white....AND I WANT THEM ALL....hint hint to any of my relatives that might be reading my blog and want to send me some (smile)..for all of you that might want to get some...Ms. Lillie is a demonstrator and can hook ya up..go here for details..number is 119775...but that is only for the pink and white.
Okay back to the holder....the photos inside are just some photos I put in there to show how the photos look inside the holder....the photos are of my sweet little niece...

Okay up next is another photo holder, but I did it with the new PHOTO BACKGROUND the look of hot pink and black...this time I put a ribbon going around the entire holder...the cupcake is from the ALL ABOUT CUPCAKES set from the Cutting Cafe...look for a video to come soon on making this....HUGS

Friday, November 26, 2010


Hello everyone, here is a post that is over at The Cutting Cafe

Hello everyone the Cutting Cafe is having a Black Friday special starting today....through Saturday at midnight....PST..for every set you purchase you can get another set for free of equal or lessor value....So if there are any sets you have been eyeing, now is the time to stock up....there is no limit to this offer....

Please note: PLEASE DO NOT PAY FOR THE FREE SET(S).....either send me a separate email indicating the sets you want for free or in the paypal section there is a section for you to send a message to the buyer...please put in that section the ones you want for free........this way I won't have to refund you for the sets you want for free....



Do you have a friend or family that you want to give a gift certificate to shop at The Cutting Cafe? Or maybe you know someone that is just getting into Digital - Printable Stamps and you want to let them shop a bit to try out the Cutting Cafe sets...well just send me an email to requesting more information....One great thing about giving a gift certificate to shop at the Cutting Cafe is that it is almost an instant mailing involved...they will have their gift within 24 hours or less....send me an email request more info to Regina

Monday, November 15, 2010

CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT SET....................

Now I know these ornaments are not your traditional Christmas colors....but I simply couldn't resist using this paper pad by SEI that I just got from Scenic Route the other day....(yes they now sell other stuff at discounted prices)....I used the new CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT FUN set from The Cutting Cafe this is really really really a fun set of templates and cutting need to worry about your cutting skills if you don't have a cutting machine or the scal software to cut out with your cricut...these are pretty easy to hand cut...the set comes with lots of fun stuff...sevaral nesting ornaments, shaped card, folded card and borders....I then used the SQUARE BOX WITH DIVIDERS to put these 4 ornaments into...I cut out the ornament on the top of the box myself...just so that you could see the ornaments in the box....
Have a fantastic day....hugs

Monday, November 8, 2010

IT'S STARTING TO LOOK AND FEEL......................

alot like Christmas...yes yes yes I know we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving yet...but when ya go into the stores they already have their Christmas stuff have been working on a few Christmas things myself...There has been lots of new releases over at The Cutting Cafe...
Up first is a new CANDY CANE BOX SET....this box can also be used for so many other things....I also used the CHRISTMAS MINI WORDS on this box.Up next is a CHRISTMAS TREE GOODIE BAG...I also used the CHRISTMAS CIRCLE SET 2
And finally a new SNOWFLAKE HUGE CIRCLE.....the Snowman comes from the FUN WITH FROSTY THE SNOWMAN. Below is a video on making this project.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


OOOOOOOOO There is something oh so wonderful when the weather is cooler...the air is fresh and it really feels like God just refreshes my soul when I walk in the mornings on a Fall day....but also with the weather turning cooler, lets face it sometimes we get a little why not surprise one of your family or friends with something hot....HOT CHOCOLATE to be exact...this little project is a new release over at The Cutting Cafe...The holder will hold two packs of Hot Cocoa...I decided to wrap my holder in matching paper that went along with the Cocoa packages...this paper is yummy by Anna Griffin....the big scallops on the brown paper (it was paper scraps so I don't have the name of the paper), but the scallops is a punch by EK.....yummy ribbon came in my Ribbon monthly that club (REALLY REASONABLE RIBBON) is a monthly club that sends ya oh so awesome ribbons each month....check it out...

ALSO IF YA HAVEN'T DOWNLOADED YOUR FREE DECEMBER DAILY 2 from the Cafe site, better hurry and get it...more details here....this set works great with last years CHRISTMAS DAILY SET...I will be working on my cover soon...Don't for get to check out all the new Christmas sets from the Cafe site..more to be released soon....hugs