Wednesday, November 3, 2010


OOOOOOOOO There is something oh so wonderful when the weather is cooler...the air is fresh and it really feels like God just refreshes my soul when I walk in the mornings on a Fall day....but also with the weather turning cooler, lets face it sometimes we get a little why not surprise one of your family or friends with something hot....HOT CHOCOLATE to be exact...this little project is a new release over at The Cutting Cafe...The holder will hold two packs of Hot Cocoa...I decided to wrap my holder in matching paper that went along with the Cocoa packages...this paper is yummy by Anna Griffin....the big scallops on the brown paper (it was paper scraps so I don't have the name of the paper), but the scallops is a punch by EK.....yummy ribbon came in my Ribbon monthly that club (REALLY REASONABLE RIBBON) is a monthly club that sends ya oh so awesome ribbons each month....check it out...

ALSO IF YA HAVEN'T DOWNLOADED YOUR FREE DECEMBER DAILY 2 from the Cafe site, better hurry and get it...more details here....this set works great with last years CHRISTMAS DAILY SET...I will be working on my cover soon...Don't for get to check out all the new Christmas sets from the Cafe site..more to be released soon....hugs


  1. Oh I love it...your project is scrumptious Regina and so gorgeous to look at....perfect!! I love that delicious paper with the brown/kraft and I love hot chocolate with all the trimmings....hugs xx

  2. this is just amazing, love everything about it

  3. It looks great. I am a bit envious because its 97 degrees right now at my house (at 4pm if you could believe it) and I would give anything for a cold day to sip some hot cocoa with my baby boy.

  4. super cute regina...can't go wrong with hot chocolate!

  5. Oh Regina! This is just the cutest! Love the colors too! That ribbon is sooooo GORGEOUS! I love it! Have a lovely day sweet lady! HUGS!

  6. I love this packaging idea and your's is just so darling!
