Sunday, June 5, 2011

Few things to share

Well things are finally calming down a bit here around the Easter home...Kids are out and are invading my SPACE....hehehe...all jokes aside, it is good to have them home for a few months...

If ya haven't been to the Cafe in awhile, I have just released 4 different Elisha Jean and friends sets...they are super cute...holding a big heart, apple and strawberry....Then there is a set with frames and the girls are holding baskets that you can add either small bunches of flowers, hearts and strawberries...cute stuff.....My first project uses the RUBY J. BASKET JUST FOR YOU set....I am still trying to work on my coloring of darker skin tones...using copics...I might have to break out my water color crayons from Stampin Up...that is what I used to use...anyways...
I thought this image would be cute to put on a tag and then wrap up a apple in cellophane...the abc border is from the SCHOOL BORDERS set....this gift is super quick to could even put a gift card if you wanted on the back side of the tag...

Up next are two guy oldest will be turning 19 this month and then there is Father's Day right around the corner....We are featuring Guy cards over at The Cafe next be sure to check out all the Guy cards in our next Monthly Inspiration....
Both of these were made using the CRUISIN' BY TO SAY HI set. The HAPPY BIRTHDAY BACKGROUND 2 is also from The Cutting Cafe.

And lastly is a fun card I made using the new SURFBOARD SHAPED CARD...this is a fun shaped card set with several different layers...there are also 2 different surfboards in the set....

Well thanks for visiting me today......hugs


  1. Oh how fabulous!!! I love her and I think you're fabulous at coloring her!!! Gorgeous papers and I really like how you wrapped up the apple! What a wonderful teacher present! And your guy cards and surfboard are AMAZING! You are SUCH an inspiration, Regina! I love them all!! Hope you're doing ok, ladybug! It's been too long since I've touched bases with you!
    love and hugs!

  2. Love the surfboard especially with the different layers to the shaped card. Perfect for the boys cards!

  3. Such fun the Father's Day cards and the cool surfboard...colours are fabulous and those lil' girls are you sweet tag, adorable :) Hugs x

  4. Regina, you are SO funny. I remember loving having my kids home for the summer. Fabulous projects Regina, you are such an inspiration. I don't know where you get your enegry from but I love it!

  5. Love the new designs, great cards for the guys, :) Lori m

  6. What fun cards! I love the dune buggy and surf board. I will have to check out those files.
