Sunday, August 31, 2008

CLOWN GIFT BOX..........

Here is my take on this weeks challenge over at the bbtb...the challenge was to use the CLOWN from the PAPER DOLLS cricut cartridges....I must say that I love this little clown...I decided to make a long gift box/bag that one can fill with some birthday treats....One of the balloons have glaze on them and his boots and part of his hat is adorn in brown that doodlebug glitter........I had so much fun making him that I have decided to offer a few custom bags/boxes on my etsy shop.....You can click here to view my etsy shop...Make sure you stop on by to view the other ladies take on this adorable little clown.....Be sure to visit the bbtb...we are having an awesome contest for a new cuttlebug machine or the Design studio software...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Well I promised yesterday that I would do a tutorial on cutting fabric with the Pazzles here is the link to the here....I just love how this machine cuts out the fabric so nicely...almost like butter.....anyhoo, this little cutey will be available in my Etsy store shortly....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Just a quick little card I made today along with some other Paper Frills in a box...(see my etsy store to the right)...I know the pumpkin isn't your typical colors, but I just couldn't resist to use some of my new basic grey papers. This paper just kept saying pumpkin to me (smile).....It is loaded with orange rhinestones and felt leaves/stem.....I hope to be working on my Halloween/Fall projects soon.....I will also be posting a tutorial over at the Hallmark Ladybug site using fabric on a pumpkin.......with the Pazzles machine....So check back in a few days...

Friday, August 22, 2008


I would first like to thank all of you that help me celebrate my 40th birthday this past Thursday....I received so many wonderful birthday wishes, it was just amazing....It really is a blessing to have so many family and friends and I love all of you dearly....It is funny that I was at first expecting something either crazy or really wild to happen to me or a sad type of mood that I was suppose to start feeling on my birthday because a few people that I spoke to about turning 40 kind of made it seem that I thought to myself that whole day..hum...I don't feel any different......I actually feel really great...I have a wonderful husband that spent almost 2 hours with me that day at one of my favorite scrapbooking stores.....I went on a little shopping spree, my daughter wrote me this wonderful, heart dropping poem, my youngest son wrote on a little white index card...HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY MOMMY, I LOVE YOU....all with perfectly spelled letters and in the best handwriting around, I had been receiving SEVERAL cards in the mail all week from so many of my blog friends, I mean the day was just full of blessings....My heart was totally overwhelmed with the birthday wishes from the cricut board, it put tears in my eyes......Someone left me a message the other day on a project that I had posted and she had mentioned that I had it all, well I don't believe I have it all, but I will say that I am truly grateful for everything that the Good Lord has blessed me with: family, friends, good health and the most awesome bbtb team you girls.....

Okay on to the projects.......The first project: CAKE SHAPED CARD...I used the cake from the Wedding solutions cartridge...(love this cake)....I used some yummy American crafts paper and lots of martha stewart glitter on the scallop edges of the cake...the bottom stand has glaze on it....The CELEBRATE tag is a doodlebat from from their set called DB boho Frames A-M...this set is so fun...

The next project is the same CELEBRATE doodlebat...I just made it larger...Just a fun birthday card with lots of rhinestones...the little present in the top left hand corner is a doodlebat from scrapnfonts...from a set called DB Birthday Cheer....You might not be able to see in the picture, but I free sewed a heart by the flower with 24 on it.... And for the last project, I recently decided that I have so many stampin up stamps and the way I have them organized is NOT WORKING, I hate how the containers have lips on to speak...they just don't stack up good for am taking all of the stamps out of the clear containers and putting them in boxes with labels on them etc.....anyhoo, the boxes are so darn cute though for sending little gifts......back in the day I use to send my hubby a little card here and there and I thought I wanted to somewhat get back to basics with my hubby in surprising him with little cards and other small tokens of how I love him and appreciate all that he does for me and his my first project with one of these little clear boxes, I found these yummy carmel suckers from the store and I filled the container with them and then I decorated the these things are so easy to decorate far as the back were the stampin up wording is, I just put a piece of pattern paper there to cover that up....I then made a card to go with the gift and since I didn't have anymore boxes for mailing.............heck I ended up making a cardboard box to ship the stuff to his job...(my sister gave me loads of 12 by 12 cardboard...worked like a champ)...anyways, he loved the card and candy...the CONFIDENTIAL tag on the candy box is from anther set called DB boho frames 2....I wrote a message in the inside that is REALLY CONFIDENTIAL...MORE LIKE X-RATED... Oh yeah one more thing the word SUCKER on the card is a new font that hasn't been released yet from used my pazzles to cut it out...

Monday, August 18, 2008


I have got lots to post today...also if you missed my little ones first day of school pictures, you can view them here..............Okay first, I am a bit excited, I was reading on another board that the October issue of Craft n things was out already...and.........I am their featured person this month....I NEVER thought I would be asked to be featured in a magazine, so I am super excited to see that magazine...Now I must go find it.....

Okay on to a few projects.....This first one is my little take on the new challenge going on over at the bbtb....the challenge was to use the strawberry from the INDIE ART SOLUTIONS cricut cart...this cart is super really need to check out the other girls takes...they are all darling...I decided to make some sweet smelling pillows...I saw the ideal from one of my favorite blogs called CAPTURE THE MOMENT.....Anyhoo, everything is made of fabric on this project...I used my pazzles on most of it...I love how the pazzles draws the wording....

Next, someone I know will be having a baby really soon and I wanted to just send her a little I made this cute little box with a window in the front...the box is filled with Calvin Klein t-shirts

And lastly, but surely not least, is a birthday card that I made for a friend that has the SAME birthday as mine.....( I will be 40 this Thursday..)...(I don't think I look it, but the GOOD LORD, knows that I feel it sometimes)...anyhoo, this friend of mine ALWAYS makes all of her cards and it drives me coo coo when I get a handmade card from her and then I give her a store bought year I made her card...I hope she likes it...Well have a good evening all....All the kids will be home in a few...YIKESSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Just thought I would share a few photos of this summer....We were really really blessed with yummy plums this year...I mean we had loads of them...first time ever actually.....Here my little Benjamin helped me pick some plums and then I couldn't resist eating one.....That is me eating one.......I know, FUNNY looking picture, but they sure were good....Can't wait until next year....

Next is a picture of a big fish my son Benjamin caught when we went camping and a quickie picture of my hubby..he really doesn't like to take photos.....but he did a quickie for me...(smile)

and finally, here are some pictures of my 4 kids on the first day of school...lets see I have a:
2nd grader...ben
7th grader..ebony
8th grader..isiah
10th grader...jamal

Some of you wanted to see pictures of the pool that we recently got put in, I will post those another day.....hugs....

Monday, August 11, 2008


I wanted to tell you all about some cute little boxes that I am selling in my Etsy shop now...They are called PAPER FRILLS IN A BOX....The box contains a bunch of little die cut shapes along with 4 (12 INCH) borders with decorative edges on them....These little boxes would be great little gifts for scrappers or for someone that is just getting into scrapping....Please visit my Etsy store here, you can also view the available PAPER FRILL BOXES on the right hand side here on my blog....Here are two of the PAPER FRILLS BOXES that are in my shop right now....I will be adding more as time goes on....


With it being 97 degress here today, I am wishing for a little more of the holiday weather.....whooooooooooo it is hot...anyhoo...I got all the kiddies to school early this morning and can't believe that I will have a empty house for awhile..they all looked so nice this morning...I will post a picture of them later (smile)....Now with Christmas on the brain, here is my take on the new challenge going on over at the bbtb...the challenge was to use the stocking from the Christmas cheer cartridge...I love this little stocking...I used some really nice fabric on my stocking that I picked up from JoAnns the other is like a sage green with dark suede brown designs going through it...yummy yummy..I used the pazzles to cut out the stocking...boy that machine cuts fabric here to view the other designers ideals...those ladies are to talented....

My other project is just a cute little project where I took a empty starbucks jar and filled it with JOLLY ROGERS and then added a tag with a JOLLY O SANTA that I watercolored......I just couldn't resist making a project with JOLLY O ST. NICK and JOLLY ROGER CANDIES...The Santa comes from a set over at scrapnfonts...tag was made using my pazzles...