Sunday, August 17, 2008


Just thought I would share a few photos of this summer....We were really really blessed with yummy plums this year...I mean we had loads of them...first time ever actually.....Here my little Benjamin helped me pick some plums and then I couldn't resist eating one.....That is me eating one.......I know, FUNNY looking picture, but they sure were good....Can't wait until next year....

Next is a picture of a big fish my son Benjamin caught when we went camping and a quickie picture of my hubby..he really doesn't like to take photos.....but he did a quickie for me...(smile)

and finally, here are some pictures of my 4 kids on the first day of school...lets see I have a:
2nd grader...ben
7th grader..ebony
8th grader..isiah
10th grader...jamal

Some of you wanted to see pictures of the pool that we recently got put in, I will post those another day.....hugs....


  1. I don't know where to start sis.............Those plums sure look Benjamin is HUGE - WOW!!! - you look AMAZING SIS!!!!!

    My CA family is just BEAUTIFUL !!!!!! My niece looks FASHIONABLE (like Kasi would say) and my nephews and BIL are totally HANDSOME!!!!!

    Your pool turned out awesome - LOVE YOUR BACK YARD!!!!!

    Hugs, T

  2. Oh my Regina you and your family are all darling!!! Handsome boys and a Fui-Fui husband;) oh yes and Ebony is beautiful!
    I have a 13 year old too!!:)
    I can see your pool in the back of some of the pics and it looks amazing!

  3. Regina,
    Hey Friend!...Omgoodness you and your family are so beautiful....They all look so happy and ready for the new experiences of the school year...
    Your pool looks amazing and I hope you had a chance to take a dip on Friday...You have it all!!!!!!..A beautiful family, talent, and you are the sweetest person ever...Hugs, Krista

  4. Hi Regina !! my what a truly handsome family you have there !! i hope they all have a great year in school !! Your pool looks amazing and those plums !! yum !! My DD is so ready to go back to school but she still has 2 weeks left of holidays then into grade 10 !!

  5. Your kids as well as you and your hubby are all adorable! The plums look great! Your back yard and pool look amazing! My girls are going into 6th and 7th . . . where does the time go??
