Monday, August 18, 2008


I have got lots to post today...also if you missed my little ones first day of school pictures, you can view them here..............Okay first, I am a bit excited, I was reading on another board that the October issue of Craft n things was out already...and.........I am their featured person this month....I NEVER thought I would be asked to be featured in a magazine, so I am super excited to see that magazine...Now I must go find it.....

Okay on to a few projects.....This first one is my little take on the new challenge going on over at the bbtb....the challenge was to use the strawberry from the INDIE ART SOLUTIONS cricut cart...this cart is super really need to check out the other girls takes...they are all darling...I decided to make some sweet smelling pillows...I saw the ideal from one of my favorite blogs called CAPTURE THE MOMENT.....Anyhoo, everything is made of fabric on this project...I used my pazzles on most of it...I love how the pazzles draws the wording....

Next, someone I know will be having a baby really soon and I wanted to just send her a little I made this cute little box with a window in the front...the box is filled with Calvin Klein t-shirts

And lastly, but surely not least, is a birthday card that I made for a friend that has the SAME birthday as mine.....( I will be 40 this Thursday..)...(I don't think I look it, but the GOOD LORD, knows that I feel it sometimes)...anyhoo, this friend of mine ALWAYS makes all of her cards and it drives me coo coo when I get a handmade card from her and then I give her a store bought year I made her card...I hope she likes it...Well have a good evening all....All the kids will be home in a few...YIKESSSSSSSSSSSSSS


  1. Wow! these are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Amazing job!

  2. wow! BEAUTIFUL! I am so inspired by your work!! Thank you!

  3. Forty's nothing! I'm already 42! You can do it! And, no, you don't look it at all!

    Everything is gorgeous, but wow, that baby gift is AMAZING! WOW!!

  4. WOW... Beautiful as usual... A big CONGRATS on being the featured designer in the Crafts N Things magazine... I'd say that's pretty major!!! AWESOME...

  5. Wow absolutely amaze me with every project you truly talented! Your cards in your shop go soooo quickly...they must be in there for seconds before they are bought...maybe one day i'll get to purchase one!! I just recently bought the expression machine but am maybe thinking I should have bought pazzles because I'm in love with the cute pillow you cool to cut fabric, does the cricut do that? I still love the cricut machine though and am nervous to use it really but i'll get there i'm sure!! Oh and btw you look absolutely amazing for your age..what are your tips?

    Thank you soooo much for inspiring me :)

    Bonnie (all the way from the uk)

  6. Hi Regina, I have been getting your blog for a couple of months now, I just want you to know that I think your work is beautiful and congrats on being featured in Crafts n Things, one of my favorite magazines. Enjoy your day!

  7. WOW, Regina a feature in Crafts & Things...I gotta go find me a copy so I can see what all you've got going in there!!!! CONGRATULATIONS girlie!!! These are all the most wonderful projects....I love, love, love your boxes!!!! HUGS!!!

  8. Gorgeous!!! Your friend will LOVE her card!!!

  9. Congrats! Can't wait to see the magazine! All of these projects are wonderful. You have been a busy girl! I love them all! Love the kids school pics.........what a beautiful family you have.....and they have a beautiful mommy :)

  10. Regina, your boxes are just soooo amazing! You always have me in awe with them and this one is definitely got my jaw on the floor! It's beyond gorgeous!

    And I love the b-day card, love the colors and the embossed candles! And you definitely do NOT look like 40 (not that 40 is old, I'm only 2.25 yrs behind you!)...not counting or anything...

  11. Happy (early but not too early) Birthday!!!! 40 is the new 30!

  12. I realy enjoy looking at your blog, you give people so much inspiration! You're a real artist!

    Kind regards, Renata

  13. Happy Birthday to you from Norway!! Hope you will have or had (It is thursday evening here) a wonderful day. And no, you do not look 40, you look like a very young 30!
    Your work is wonderful. Full of amazing details and great colors.

  14. Ooooh...pretty creations!! Love them all!


  15. are you kidding me? Of course she is going to LOVE it - who wouldn't - it's a Reginal Original after all :)
