Monday, June 29, 2009


and they are hopping in a awesome kind of way....this week the team over at the BBTB was asked to use the FREEDOM cut from the GRAPHICALLY SPEAKING cart....if you don't have this are surly missing out on some awesome awesome awesome cuts....all of the designers designed a project based on the 4th of the July and they totally rocked the challenge....I decided to combine the freedom cut from the Graphically Speaking with a cut from the new STAND AND SALUTE cricut is perfect timing for the release of this new cartridge with the 4th of JULY being this weekend.................and guess what Provo Craft gave me to give away to one lucky winner for this months bbtb hop?....................well let me first talk about my project...As I mentioned I combined the two carts. together...the FREEDOM cut is from the Graphically Speaking and see that cute little BELL well it is from the STAND AND SALUTE that little bell...I have so many ideas in my head as to how to use it next....I added the wording LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL to the bell...........and see that big HAPPY 4TH OF JULY BLACK CIRCLE...well that is from a new set over at the CUTTING can view that here...

Okay so as I mentioned today it is the bbtb official monthly BUG BLOG HOP...and of course there needs to be some goodies given out in the hop is what I have for one lucky person: THE STAND AND SALUTE cartridge..........yulp, one of the newest cartridges that is oh so just came out this week from PROVO CRAFT and all you have to do to win this awesome cartridge is leave me a comment on my site by Thursday night and I will be randomly choosing one can click here to take a look at a few samples from the cart.......BUT that's not all.......................I am going to have a little special on my 4th of July cutting cafe sets through midnight of the 4th of July...when you purchase EITHER of the 4th of JULY sets 1 or 2, you will get the 4th of JULY background stamp for can view the links here:
set 1
set 2

background stamp.....this one you get for free.....

OKAY NOW i am sending you to my talented sister Rene Stamps...she has some blog candy for ya to...I love my sister so much...I can always count on laughing out of my know the kind of laughing that makes you cry and your stomach hurt....when she comes to visit me....hugs


Regina Easter

Rene Stamps


~amy~ said...

cute, cute, cute Regina!!!!

Shelia said...

very patriotic. It tells what 4th of July is really about. FREEDOM I would love to have this cartridge. I havent had my Cricut long. I need cartridges to play with.

DonnaMundinger said...

Gorgeous Regina! Love the Happy 4th in the "o" and your stitching is amazing as always. xxD

Jennifer said...

wow!!!awesome goodies here for sure! I'm loving the projects and feel very inspired! Hope I win. Thanks for the opportunity!

Fresh Start Academy said...

I absolutely love what you have done with this cart
my family has lots of military folks
so I would love to win stand and salute to create some cool projects for them
good luck to all

Susan Edwards said...

WOW! That is just fabulous girlie!!! Awesome-ness oozes from your work!!


It's Jenn! said...

Beautiful work! You leave me feeling all kinds of patriotic...not to mention creative! Going to break out the old E and see what I can do. Thanks for the inspiration!

FifthAvenueGirl said...

I am thinking that I could use many of these for Canada Day as well! Thanks for the ideas.

Janis Lewis said...

Always inspiring to see your work!

Anonymous said...

Your card was great. I love the new carts. Thanks for shareing.


Beth said...

You picked an awesome design for the challenge this week!! Everyone on the team did a great job with it too. I'm overwhelmed with inspiration now. LOL!! ;)

StacyN said...

Very cute! I love the background shape of the card.

StacyN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tamaroo said...

Awesome card and awesome cartridge! Now I'm really in the mood for the 4th of July!

Kay said...

Oh my goodness!! As you well know, I LOVE your style and all of your creations blow me away!! This card is fabulous and the details are amazing!!!! ♥♥ Kay

Anonymous said...

I bought my daughter her Cricut several years ago during my "non-scrapping" years. She got me one this past Christmas and I LOVE it. Use it everyday that I scrap and these are now my "scrapping"years!!

cinnamonspice said...

Seeing this card reminds me of our deployed troops and that freedom often comes at a price...beautiful work!

Jeri said...

I love the 4th of July and everything associated with it. Regina your card is great as always. I do love that freedom cut. I've been wanting that cartridge for awhile, now I'm sure I have to get it. Thanks again for putting my 4th of July card in your customer gallery. If anyone else would like to look at it my blog is: I've added a second 4th of July card to my blog.

robsmom said...

I love the card!

Deb said...

I love all your cards. They are out of this world. This cart will be special to me because my husband is in the Nat. Guard and my son is in the Air Force. I know I will love it and use it alot.Thanks. Deb

Bobbi said...

wow, what a wonderful card, I love the GS cart too.

Angela said...

That is a beautiful card.

Unknown said...

Wow, a cartridge?? Really!?
Awesome Design as usual, you have quite the talent!

sassybarksdale said...

Yet another beautiful card, Regina!

Anonymous said...

Regina, I love the combination of carts you used.

Angie P

Kim Dellow said...

What wonderful details in your card. I love the edging. Kim

Jacilynn said...

Oh,so cute! Love this. I have really limited cartridges and would love to win one.

3Martigurls said...

You always come up with the best creations! I love your blog and all the great ideas. Thanks for inspiring me to think outside the box!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Love the little bell on this! Cute card. I love all this hopping around and seeing every one has a different perspective on this!

Lisa Ritchie said...

I love that card and the way you did the curly edges. Fantastic!!

My Serendipity said...

Wow...what an awesome giveaway..I have been wanting this one! I am crossing my fingers and toes now! :)

Lana Clarke said...

Fab creation as always Regina and i would love to win the new cart.
Thank You for such a wonderful giveaway
Lana x

Heather said...

Adorable card! I'm so thrilled I found your site :)

scrapn_momof2 said...

Very cute Regina! Your talent is amazing.

Linda said...

WOW what a FABULOUS card!!! I love all the little details that you have added!!
Thank you for the chance to win.

Margie said...

Wow! Gorgeous!

Peggy said...

This is my first hop! I am loving it thanks!! Love your card can't wait to get home and make my card to post.. wish me luck

ScrapMomOf2 said...

Cute and amazing!! I love this Regina!

Piali said...

Wow!! gorgeous card. TFS :0)

jcscraphappy said...

wonderful card!!!! and i have to say wowzers on the blog candy what a generous thing to offer. i played with the cart at a cricut demo i did and now i want it sooooooooooooo bad, :)
so fingers crossed and praying im the lucky number picked :)

Anonymous said...

wow...this cartridge has a lot of options...I would love to try it out...thanks for the opprotunity:)

Anonymous said...

wow...this cartridge has a lot of options...I would love to try it out...thanks for the opprotunity:)
Crystal Camarata

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for the hop theme. Your card is gorgeous. With a nephew serving in Afghanistan, I'm so happy to see all the patriotic offerings. Semper Fi:-)

Unknown said...

This is such a clever use of the two carts, I LOVE your card. I'm a big fan of the GS cart like you, and I'd LOVE to have the new Stand and Salute cart to do military pages for the Gold Star Moms projects. Thanks for the chance to win!
~Rachel in Sacramento

cal8007 said...

Hi Regina,

I started at the wrong end, and ended up here - but it was a great ride! I love the bright red paper you used for this card and the bell!

Thanks for sharing,


Craft Confectionery said...

Love your project as always! Thanks for the chance to win!! Good Luck Every1 "-)

jan farnworth said...

you did a great job with this card thanks for the chance to win.

~Jennifer Rose~ said...

OHHHH Regina! I absolutely LOVE your card this week! July 4th is my favorite holiday so I'm really getting into the hop this month!! :) Thanks for hosting yet another great hop! Happy Fourth!

Yvette said...

Very cute!!! Love the cute little bell!

mystyle said...

Beautiful design for your card! Love the die-cut red edge!

Annette J. said...

Regina, you are so talented! Look at all the things you create, Amazing!
Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely darling!

Sue said...

I have this cartridge so I guess I'm gonna have to try my take on the card.

Rene said...

Hey sis this is very pretty! owesome! keep it up

Treva said...

Great job Regina, cute card...tfs.

Lindzie said...

cute ideas! thanks for sending us around to all these talented ladies!

Anne said...

Fabulous Regina, great work as usual
Anne x

Janine said...

Oh how I love the 4th July Holiday. This is such a cool cartridge. Thanks for sharing.

connie said...

I love your card!

Sharon Caudle said...

What an awesome card, Regina! Your work is always inspiring! I love this! And what amazing blog candy! WOOHOO! A cartridge! WOW! Pick me! Pick me! LOL!

scrappin4kim said...

Adorable card Regina, I'm so inpired now and I love the paper you used!

Snowmanlover said...

How darling is this!!!!! Thanks for setting up the blog hop. I didn't even look at all the candy, I was so in awe of the talent and work!!
Thank you!!! b

Annelies said...

Gorgeous Regina! I just bought a cricut and still have to learn to work with it, but what you did is great! Thanks for a chance to win such great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

RAP said...

Your card is so cute. I love the border. A whole cartridge! You are so generous.

Valarie (vampme3) said...

Great card!! Love the Stand Up and Salute cartridge! My dh's son is in the would be wonderful to have!!

~Shari said...

My goodness but that cartridge has IT ALL!! Good job.

Renee said...

as always, your project is fantastic! Thanks for sharing

remus79 said...

Wow, this is so, so cool! Love the blog hop and all the sweet candy. Thanks!

Renee said...

As always your project is fantastic! Thanks for sharing :) said...


You are amazing!

Cricut Critter said...

awesome job, as always you ladies are inspiring! - xochitl

DeMillio said...

I love your freedom card. Love to look at your ideas.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work as always!


The Scrapbook Speedway said...

all those little touches are so perfect!

Tifany said...

Beautiful as always, Regina!

mary stuart said...

Love your creations!
and i always enjoy your sites.
Thanks for the opportunity to win such an awesome prize!

Jennifer said...

I really love the card!!! Great work!!!

Penny'sfromHeavenreborn Nursery said...

I love the papers you picked for this project Regina,they are perfect,just like your card....


crazyaboutcricut said...

I really like the idea of the jumbled sayings, but don't always know how to use them. Thanks for such a awsome example!

Bella and Aidees Mom said...

Just beautiful....You inspire everyone with your amazing talent and kindness...Good Luck everyone....Krista

Michelle said...

Love your cute!

Sherry said...

Love your card! The blog hop is so much fun too!

A Little Time said...

Wow! What a card, Regina! I love the loopy edges.

Cynthia Baldwin said...

I love the bell w/ the touch of ribbon! Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge - perfect timing for July 4th!

heidi said...

I love the red trim on the card and that ribbon is just the right touch! I can't wait to play along this week!

Crystal said...

Cute cute cute! I have to start exploring my carts more!

StampinCathy said...

OOPS!! I put my comment on the wrong post, but I found my way. Your Freedom card is fabulous and love all the details you did on this card. Thanks for a chance.

Unknown said...

Fantastic card! Would love this cart as loads of my family are/have been in the forces, thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

My daughter gave me a Cricut for Christmas and it's the best gift I ever received. Love these new cartridges and your project is awesome.

momof3 said...

Awesome project!!! Thanks fokr sharing!!!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

What gorgeous patriotic paper crafts! And wow, that is an awesome prize!

Amy said...

Beautiful creation, Regina. I'm so thankful for the freedom that we get to enjoy and the sacrifices made on our behalf. This really pays tribute to that. Thanks!

Valerie said...

What an amazing card. Which cart did you use for the boarder?

Jessica said...

How wonderful, I really want this cartridge, so if I don't win it, I will buy it. But Shhhhhh don't tell anyone! lol thanks for the opportunity.

Linda E said...

Fabulous card! I love the scroll design on the edges. Thanks for offering such a great prize!!!

Annette Johnson said...

I am so inspired by your talent. I can really put this cartridge to good use. Thanks for the opportunity.

AUsome mom said...

Girl!~ This card is fantabulous!! Thanks so much for sharing and for the chance to win that fantastic new cart!!

Kim Dewees said...

What an adorable card. thank you for the inspiration.

Jessica said...

Thanks so much for hosting the bloghop, I love seeing all the creative folk's pretty things.

Kathlene said...

Don't have this cartridge, but after seeing all the beautiful creations using it, I'm tempted to get it. Gorgeous card, as always, Regina. Thanks for sharing.

Southern Chic Vintage said...

I love your card, thanks for the blog hop. I really enjoy them. Thanks for the great prize also.

Jen said...

Ooooh ! great card. and GREAT CART!!!
of course your cute Cutting Cafe digi stamps always work so nicely with your projects!
Keep up the great work.

Gale said...

Wow, Regina, your cards always amaze me...wish I had your talent! Thanks for all you do on the BBTB blog as well! I'm an avid follower.

Crazie Jones said...

I love your blog. I love your ideas. I love your design team. Just love love love.

Enfys said...

My word, you got a lot of comments on this one - smile.
Beautiful card Regina
En xx

Charlott's Creations said...

My husband is a diabled Army Sargeant. I would love to have this cartridge to add to his book already made for him. You do such awesome work.

Charlott's Creations said...

My husband is a disabled Army Sargeant. I would love this cartridge to add to his book I already put together for him. You do such awesome work.

Elaine said...


dragonflydreamer said...

Your design is awesome (as always) and very patriotic. My daughter-in-law is stationed in Iraq right now and I would love to win this cart as I'm trying to come up with a design concept for a scrapbook for her. Thanks for all of your inspiration and eye candy as well as the opportunity to win a cart to use with my cricut. I have George that came with it and Home Accents. I'd love to have another one to mix things up a bit.

Mom to Deanna said...

Who wouldn't want to receive this card! Very nice Regina.

Beth said...

I love your card! I need to get out my GS cart and get to work with it.

Janis said...

Regina I have always loved your creations, who wouldn't? You have an awesome talent. Thanks for having this fun blog hop, I love checking out everyone's works of art.
I just noticed there are 2 Janis's, me & someone else LOL. I didn't post twice. :)

Hugs janis

bonnie said...

Oh make the most gorgeous creations that leave me speechless!!! You are a huge inspiration to me Regina thank you from the bottom of my heart. :) Bonnie x

AShu93 said...

I love red, white & blue together & you've done an awesome job with it as usual!

AShu93 said...

I just love that ribbon you used!

dagbird2001 said...

such a lovely card, thanks for doing the hop xx

Dizzie Noodle said...

oh my! How cute!

:) Michelle

Andrea Asher said...

Beautiful card Regina,
like some of the other Girls said "You're just amazing"AndreaA

Anonymous said...

regina, i love your creativity.
your team is so talented also ! thank you so much for sharing!

Kelly English said...

Wow! I am amazed at the talent of you and all the other designers! So inspiring!

Bram_fam said...

I love this card as I always enjoy seeing all your new ideas.

Melinda Ford said...

Wow...amazing card. You always outdo yourself! Love the way you put it together!

kee kee said...

Very cute card. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Gorgeous card, i always enjoy checking out your new projects.

Heather in B.R., LA

Aimee said...

I love your take on the the freedom challenge. A cartridge?? That's is very generous of you! :)

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wonderful Creations, the Candy is so great.


Suzanne Milam said...

very what you did..your work always amazes me...

Kristi said...

Always love your work. Freedom looks so cool.

Leah said...

Ohhhh Regina!!!! This has been so much fun doing the blog hops!!!! Thank you so much for the fun!!! Thank you for the chance to win such an exciting cartridge as well. I have wanted this one because my Husband is NAVY ~ Yet right now finances don't allow for purchases of cartridges so the chance to win is awesome!!! Thank you again for soo much inspiration!!!!