ALREADY....It seems like the kids just got out of school..I thought I would share a few pictures of my kids....first up is the one that turned the big number...he is my silliest one out of all 4 of my kids...He's a Senior this year and although he drove half of the year to school last year with his brother, he will be driving his brother and sister this year...Lord help me...

Next is my Freshmen daughter...I took this right before she left out this morning for school....she is my sweet writer...

Next up is my Sophomore son...I also took this before he left out of the door for school...he is my quite, very hum what is the word...well I can't think of it right now...but I will say he is surely my child that will look up anything he doesn't know until he is fully proficient on the subject/thing....

and last but surely not 4Th grader...mommas little boy, he is my sweet one that still wants to cuddle with mommy and spend quality time doing whatever .... as long as we are as far as his siblings, well he likes to drive them crazy...
naw just kidding they all tend to get along pretty well....

and FINALLY just a little OH FUDGE card for a special birthday girl....the Popsicle is from a new set over at
scrapnfonts called db summer treats...this set hasn't been released the inside of the card, I put something to the effect that OH FUDGE ...sorry this birthday card is so late...

well have a super day...hugs